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At all showcases my guy has done, there have been both  batting practice sessions and AB's in live games. I wonder how the two interact when it comes to evaluators evaluating a player's hitting tool.  My guy has had showcases in which he hit really well in game, but didn't feel all that great about his BP session.  He's also had the opposite.   He's also had times when he's felt good about both.   Just wonder how evaluators balance what they see in BP with what they see in live AB's.  Thanks for the insight. 

Last edited by SluggerDad
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During my 17 years of Area Code games and tryouts. Thousands of pro scouts watch our BP and games. After each tryout and during the games I interviewed the scouts as to what their eyes viewed.

One year, a very talented All State football player was on the Red Sox Area Code team.

He was "highly" regarded for both sports, however during the AC games he struck out the majority of his AB. A scout and I discussed this lack of contact and he said Bob, "he has bat speed".

The next year he was drafted 1st round and played with the KC Royals - Dee Brown.


During our Marshall Brant tournament next month, I guarantee at least one player with "bat speed".





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