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Kid had a rough one last night...sure can't wait for everyone to get off his back waiting for him to make a mistake so they can grind on him more. He plays hard with enthusiasm and may be the greatest talent since Griffey Jr, a kid who also played hard and energized his team and city, and also gave a Hall of Fame manager (Sparky Anderson) the finger rounding third after homering. Don't remember him getting grinded on so much, nor Kobe or Lebron, or any other tremendously talented youth. Keep your head up and chest out kid! And you were right, that moron on Toronto was asking a clown question!! Trying to tarnish a kid who has done it right so far!
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Giving the finger to anyone in a professional game shows a lack of class and is the reason why Harper should be treated like a punk.

If my son ever did that I would have him apologize or never watch another of his games.

I'm sure Bryce Harpers parents are real proud of his actions.

Seems like a lot of unfortunate confusion leading to a lot of additional unfortunate comments.
Sparky Anderson passed away long before Bryce Harper ever stepped onto a MLB field.
The reference was to Ken Griffey, Jr.
I think it's pathetic that people who claim to understand baseball would think the world is ending for a player who just went 0-7 with 5 strikeouts.

Name a great player who didn't have a game like that. Name more than one player who ever hit over .400.

Today, Harper was 2-4. So should be freak out that he's now a .500 hitter? Nope.

Recognize and appreciate the talent.
Originally posted by bostonbulldogbaseball:
Originally posted by turnin2:
Kid had a rough one last night...sure can't wait for everyone to get off his back waiting for him to make a mistake so they can grind on him more. He plays hard with enthusiasm and may be the greatest talent since Griffey Jr, a kid who also played hard and energized his team and city, and also gave a Hall of Fame manager (Sparky Anderson) the finger rounding third after homering and also gave a Hall of Fame manager (Sparky Anderson) the finger rounding third after homering. Don't remember him getting grinded on so much, nor Kobe or Lebron, or any other tremendously talented youth. Keep your head up and chest out kid! And you were right, that moron on Toronto was asking a clown question!! Trying to tarnish a kid who has done it right so far!

Giving the finger to anyone in a professional game shows a lack of class and is the reason why Harper should be treated like a punk.

If my son ever did that I would have him apologize or never watch another of his games.

I'm sure Bryce Harpers parents are real proud of his actions.

BBDB, Your comments are what Turnin2 is talking about, people quick to take unnecessary shots at Harper cause they like to hate the young talented player. Now, IF my kid did what you THOUGHT Harper did, I would be disappointed in him, but I don't think there is anything that would stop me from watching my son play baseball.
Originally posted by HRKB:
Originally posted by bostonbulldogbaseball:
Originally posted by turnin2:
Kid had a rough one last night...sure can't wait for everyone to get off his back waiting for him to make a mistake so they can grind on him more. He plays hard with enthusiasm and may be the greatest talent since Griffey Jr, a kid who also played hard and energized his team and city, and also gave a Hall of Fame manager (Sparky Anderson) the finger rounding third after homering and also gave a Hall of Fame manager (Sparky Anderson) the finger rounding third after homering. Don't remember him getting grinded on so much, nor Kobe or Lebron, or any other tremendously talented youth. Keep your head up and chest out kid! And you were right, that moron on Toronto was asking a clown question!! Trying to tarnish a kid who has done it right so far!

Giving the finger to anyone in a professional game shows a lack of class and is the reason why Harper should be treated like a punk.

If my son ever did that I would have him apologize or never watch another of his games.

I'm sure Bryce Harpers parents are real proud of his actions.

BBDB, Your comments are what Turnin2 is talking about, people quick to take unnecessary shots at Harper cause they like to hate the young talented player. Now, IF my kid did what you THOUGHT Harper did, I would be disappointed in him, but I don't think there is anything that would stop me from watching my son play baseball but I don't think there is anything that would stop me from watching my son play baseball.

Well, I believe that integrity and class is important and my son's behavour is a reflection on me.
The problem with kids behaving badly is that there are few consequences from their parents.
Originally posted by bostonbulldogbaseball:
Originally posted by HRKB:
Originally posted by bostonbulldogbaseball:
Originally posted by turnin2:
Kid had a rough one last night...sure can't wait for everyone to get off his back waiting for him to make a mistake so they can grind on him more. He plays hard with enthusiasm and may be the greatest talent since Griffey Jr, a kid who also played hard and energized his team and city, and also gave a Hall of Fame manager (Sparky Anderson) the finger rounding third after homering and also gave a Hall of Fame manager (Sparky Anderson) the finger rounding third after homering. Don't remember him getting grinded on so much, nor Kobe or Lebron, or any other tremendously talented youth. Keep your head up and chest out kid! And you were right, that moron on Toronto was asking a clown question!! Trying to tarnish a kid who has done it right so far!

Giving the finger to anyone in a professional game shows a lack of class and is the reason why Harper should be treated like a punk.

If my son ever did that I would have him apologize or never watch another of his games.

I'm sure Bryce Harpers parents are real proud of his actions.

BBDB, Your comments are what Turnin2 is talking about, people quick to take unnecessary shots at Harper cause they like to hate the young talented player. Now, IF my kid did what you THOUGHT Harper did, I would be disappointed in him, but I don't think there is anything that would stop me from watching my son play baseball but I don't think there is anything that would stop me from watching my son play baseball.

Well, I believe that integrity and class is important and my son's behavour is a reflection on me.
The problem with kids behaving badly is that there are few consequences from their parents.

It sounds like we have the same value system. I just don't think I would ever include a consequence that kept me from watching my sons play baseball or sent them a message that I could not forgive them. By the time they were five years old they were taught: 1. Work hard and do your best; 2. Tell the truth and be honest; 3. Don't hurt yourself or others; 4. Don't take what isn't yours; 5. Treat everyone like you want to be treated; 6. Remember you are a reflection of your family, never dishonor the family name. But MOST IMPORTANTLY, I have always said to my boys, "There may be things that you do that disappoint me, but there is nothing you can do that will keep me from loving you". Our kids WILL make mistakes, but if they know their mother and I love them then they will have a heart for doing the right thing.
I believe Harper has come a long way emotionally from the war painted, seventeen year old yahoo playing JuCo ball. He's young and will make mistakes like the bat bashing in the runway. But I'll guess he's learning it's a long season with it's ups and downs. I'll bet there are teammates helping him with the maturation process. There are plenty of players who do insane things on occasion. Did anyone talk about Lou Piniella being immature in his 50's?

It's time to start respecting Harper is already a competent major league starter at nineteen years old. His game will grow. He'll also grow emotionally.

If Harper fades in September like a lot of young players not accustomed to a long season, we'll hear how he choked in the stretch or pitchers have figured him out. The naysayers are going to be ready to pounce.
Originally posted by bostonbulldogbaseball:
Originally posted by turnin2:
Kid had a rough one last night...sure can't wait for everyone to get off his back waiting for him to make a mistake so they can grind on him more. He plays hard with enthusiasm and may be the greatest talent since Griffey Jr, a kid who also played hard and energized his team and city, and also gave a Hall of Fame manager (Sparky Anderson) the finger rounding third after homering and also gave a Hall of Fame manager (Sparky Anderson) the finger rounding third after homering. Don't remember him getting grinded on so much, nor Kobe or Lebron, or any other tremendously talented youth. Keep your head up and chest out kid! And you were right, that moron on Toronto was asking a clown question!! Trying to tarnish a kid who has done it right so far!

Giving the finger to anyone in a professional game shows a lack of class and is the reason why Harper should be treated like a punk.

If my son ever did that I would have him apologize or never watch another of his games.

I'm sure Bryce Harpers parents are real proud of his actions.

So Griffey, Jr. is a punk?
Originally posted by RJM:
Did anyone talk about Lou Piniella being immature in his 50's?

Yes. Many did.

On Harper: I've said before, I respect his talent. I believe he will become the super star many of us expect. However, I do not believe age is an excuse for his behavior. He may mature, he may not. I hope he does.

BTW, Griffey, Jr. was blasted by the national media and fined for that episode with Sparky. More importantly he had a sit down with his father. He straightened up.
Originally posted by bostonbulldogbaseball:

Well, I believe that integrity and class is important and my son's behavour is a reflection on me.

After reading over your comments in this topic and elsewhere, I believe that you need not worry about your son's behavior being a reflection on you, you have taken care of that yourself.
Originally posted by TPM:
Originally posted by bostonbulldogbaseball:

Well, I believe that integrity and class is important and my son's behavour is a reflection on me.

After reading over your comments in this topic and elsewhere, I believe that you need not worry about your son's behavior being a reflection on you, you have taken care of that yourself.

Thank you! That's the nicest compliment I received yet.
Originally posted by Rob Kremer:
Bryce Harper humbled?

It is baseball he plays, right?

Hasn't every player that ever picked up a glove had a bad day.

It is time to stop hating this kid and start respecting that he is a rare talent. His antics notwithstanding.

Sine Mike Trout was raised in New Jersey it's understandable he does things the right way. Wink
Originally posted by fillsfan:
Originally posted by Rob Kremer:
Bryce Harper humbled?

It is baseball he plays, right?

Hasn't every player that ever picked up a glove had a bad day.

It is time to stop hating this kid and start respecting that he is a rare talent. His antics notwithstanding.

Sine Mike Trout was raised in New Jersey it's understandable he does things the right way. Wink
Best laugh I've had today. Smile
Originally posted by Tx-Husker:
To quote the great Derek Jeter during the All Star game just moments ago, "Harper plays the game the right way...hard".

Jeter, just like any athlete trying to maintain his image, is always going to find something positive to say about someone when asked...even if it's a fabrication. To believe that an athlete is sincere in an interview when asked about another player is a bit naive.
Last edited by CPLZ
I know, I saw it. Contextually, he was distracted and just looking to say anything positive about anything and get the interview over. It was Derek Jeter in character, as most athletes are in interviews. He was being the quintessential baseball ambassador and it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if someone told the players to mention Chipper Jones or the young stars, before the game. That's how these things work.

Anyone who doesn't think there is scripting, isn't paying attention.
Last edited by CPLZ
Originally posted by Tx-Husker:
So he had a scripted answer, that he didn't believe, that he repeated to a question not asked all so that he looks like the quintessential baseball ambassador everyone already sees him it. I better write that one down.

This is an excellent example of twisting what someone says.

Yes, people, politicians, athletes, celebs, execs, they all offer insincere opinions and receive some degree of suggestion from interested parties and consultants before taking the public stage.

I don't understand how someone could argue that this doesn't happen.

In this case, the coaching/scripting could have been as simple as a baseball or network liason telling the players, "hey, if you get interviewed during the game, remember that we're promoting Chipper Jones last allstar game and the young stars and how this is the youngest lineup in almost 3 decades."

That qualifies as scripting/coaching. And what came out of the quintessential baseball ambassadors mouth seems very predictable and not in the slightest way sincere.

Do you think that Jeter and the Yankees don't craft that image, mold it and protect it? Ever hear of a publicist?
Last edited by CPLZ
No disagreement that it happens. And had the reporter said "how do you like being out here with Harper, what do you think of him"....sure, you're right. That's not what happened.

My point is Jeter could have done all you say he did without bringing up Harper's name at all. If Jeter can further his and the Yankees' image, promote baseball and the young stars without mentioning Harper by name, and he isn't asked about Harper, why would he volunteer something he doesn't believe?

You choose to believe he's lying, I choose to believe he means what he said. What's your basis for saying Jeter doesn't believe what he said?
Last edited by Tx-Husker
Because I naturally don't believe that athletes are very forthcoming during spot interviews and especially not in the venue of an all star game. His response was more typical of what a well polished public figure would say and his demeanor in the dugout was not that of a thoughtful response, he was looking around and completely distracted. That leads me to believe that he had a pretty good idea of what spin he wanted to put on his comments before the camera light ever went on.

Did you believe it when the player during one of those interviews told him that his accomplishment in the all star game was right up there with winning the World Series?

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