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I am watching it now on Encore and a great line (among MANY others) is when Crash first walks into the office and they ask him who he is. Costner just stares at them and says "I'm the player to be named later."

What other lines do you guys like from this movie?
Where does it rank in baseball movies? I say first.

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. Thomas Jefferson

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Yeah, I was in the show. I was in the show for 21 days once - the 21 greatest days of my life. You know, you never handle your luggage in the show, somebody else carries your bags. It was great. You hit white balls for batting practice, the ballparks are like cathedrals, the hotels all have room service, and the women all have long legs and brains.

Crash Davis
Great memories for me.

Class A in 1987. I was with Salem in the Carolina league with the Pirates. We and the Durham Bull team were given a sneak preview of the movie. I remember myself and a couple others walking out speaking of how they made a movie of our lives at the time. lol..
I knew a couple of the guys that did the stand in parts of the players.

20 yrs later I watched it for the second time and come to realize, I knew a few more of the players that stood in. Met them later in higher levels of pro ball. However didnt realize they were in the movie until I watched it for the second time.

So many things in the movie that I can relate to.
Especially the catcher letting the hitter know what the pitcher was throwing next. I had the oppurtunity to throw to a kid named Tom Prince and he was a hard head as was I. I pitched. (Tom spent several yrs in the big leagues) I remember a situation where I shook Tommy off a couple times and he called time and came out to the hill. We had a brief discussion(*&^%*##^) and the last thing he said to me was he was going to tell the hitter what was movie hit home..

One other thing in the movie that made me chuckle, take a look at the showers in the locker rooms. Copper hanging everywhere, low ceilings, they were the same ones we used then. Man, minor league stadiums have come a ways.

good stuff, thanks coach
Last edited by SPARKY1
I've watched this movie at least 100 times.....

This is my favorite baseball movie.......and I claim to have seen them all.......

The quotes get thrown around my house left and right....and as to trivia about the movie.....well lets just say you better know:

Where does Annie Savoy work?

What does she do?

What is the name of the singer and the song she plays on her record player?

(Nuke calls it a crazay mexican singer, which it isnt)
Last edited by piaa_ump

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