Bullpen session I copied from Kershaw:
IN SYDNEY, KERSHAW will have used his bullpen sessions the days before his start to reinforce control. Ellis will not throw him signs in these sessions because the sequence of pitches has been ingrained; Ellis can rattle off the list if you ask, like a flight attendant rambling through pre-takeoff safety instructions. "Three fastballs when I'm standing up. I sit, and three fastballs down the middle. Then three fastballs either side. Three changeups away. Fastball inside. Three curveballs to the middle. Fastball inside. Three sliders to the middle. Then he goes to the stretch position. Two fastballs inside, two fastballs away, two changeups, one fastball inside, two curveballs, one fastball inside, two sliders. Back to the windup, and one fastball inside, one fastball away."
Thirty-four pitches in all.
Change the sliders to sinkers or 2 seam fastballs. I have the pitchers do this twice a week, max 2 days prior to starts. They don't have to hit the spots exactly, but catchers do need to frame pitches that miss their spots (even if it's a strike). Really helps with command and control, throwing at 90%.