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Just got back from a season ending game, for the freshman team, playing in St. John's, Indiana.

Thanks to the hosts at Lake Central High School. Nicely done.


Was at "Taylor Street" hot dog place across the street from the High School during the break between games.

Saw the BUSH LEAGUE PLAY by "Girls" Barrett. Hoping he gets a 10 games suspension and $100,000 fine.

Even high school kids know you can't block the plate without the ball. Way to go AJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go White Sox!!!!
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Haha, My son was at the game and he called me to see if I was watching. I wasn't...he got quite a kick out of the scene.

AHGh, whatever on AJ, I think if you spent time around many major league players, across all would find more than a few a-holes, personality wise. AJ just seems like a cocky white guy catcher who talks lots of smack. What are you gonna do? Real professionals play together and forget their personality differences. Personally, I haven't seen AJ do or say anything that I would deem to be objectionable, I just keep hearing everyone say that he's a bit of an ***.Must be some truth to the word. I sort of get the feeling that he's one of those guys who tells it like it might be...?? I suppose that could get on some people's nerves.

Catcher to catcher, Barrett ought to know, you're gonna take that shot if you linger without the ball. Pretty much par for the course. Total low blow on his part. He pretty much cold cocked AJ, seemed to connect pretty good too.

I spose in the heat of the moment it would be pretty dog dang difficult to control those emotions. especially when you're on the road to an asswhoopin in the game and all of Comiskey Park rises to their feet and starts letting it rip after a play like that.

Nothing like a bench clearing brawl between the two home town teams to further the division between the North and the South.

After it was covered in the news, It sure was fun watching a whole bunch of clips of brutal plays at the plate from baseball history on, i believe, ESPN. Great stuff. Got to love the game, right?
Pirzenski did what he felt was right at the time. He'll probably get in trouble for it. Personally, from what I saw of the clip (very little of the brawl) he shouldn't have gotten ejected. I probably missed what caused him to be ejected.

Barrett, on the other hand, deserves a nice, long suspension for that one. That's uncalled for. "Don't stand on the tracks when the train's coming through"
Barrett isn't the busher, AJ is.

Cubs have nothing to lose......The Sox do. If this degenerates into beanball war or something like that, an injury would mean a lot more to the Sox than the also-ran Cubs. A lot of other teams have won the World Series and still manged to respect their opponents....why can't the Sox? Because like their fans, they have an inferiority complex relative to the Cubs.....even after winning the WS.
That felt good. Beenthere....AJ being a busher was well established prior to yesterday. What happened then was in response to a whole career of treating his fellow players like pieces of ****. Barrett will be justly suspended, but he has already gotten calls from the Minnesota and San Francisco locker rooms with kind words, not too mention how many Sox players.

AJ has never respected another player and he will never have the respect of others because of it. Can you say Dennis Rodman? Or Ron Artest? AJ and those two are cut from the same cloth.
Last edited by FastballDad
AJ has never respected another player and he will never have the respect of others because of it. Can you say Dennis Rodman? Or Ron Artest? AJ and those two are cut from the same cloth.

Which players called from the Giants and Minnesota, Fast? I thought so. No one did!

Rodman is a moron. Ron Artest is a moron.

AJ is a good player who is not afraid of anyone and is not afraid to speak his mind. Refreshing.

Loved it when AJ pointed to the sky, ala Zambrano, and Zambrano almost "lost it" again. As if he is the only one that can point towards the heavens. lolololololololololol

Congrats on the win. I like Cedeno and it looks like he'll be fine down the road. Can Cedeno hit the ball more than 150 feet?
Last edited by BeenthereIL

In an earlier post you predicted a Zambrano moment if he "got launched in a big game". You were correct. However, why did Pierzynski have to point to the heavens when he crossed home plate? That was an obvious mocking reference to Zambrano's similar motion when he walks off the field after an inning. IMO, the difference is Pierzynski never does that, and Zambrano always does it. It was simply an unnecessary thing to do that further enhanced his already terrible reputation around both leagues.

Heck, you've just hit a big HR, show some class and run the bases and get into the dugout. I didn't see Barrett do anything after his big triple nor did Ramirez or Konerko after their bombs. Grow up AJ or should it be Eddie Haskell?

Go Phillies and beat those Mets!
Last edited by itsrosy
Good perspective, its. You are right.

I for one, however, don't believe Zambrano or anyone else, can only do that.

Knowing that it would "trip" Z's trigger, I would do it, too...especially the way he was pitching (the only hits were the two hon runs).

Can't wait for Rich Hill to get back from the minors. Hawk and DJ were talking about how he didn't know the rules of the game and he was in the big leagues!
The White Sox would have won the WS last year with Henry Blanco behind the plate. The Twins and the Giants were glad to get rid of him...just ask the teammate he kicked in the kahunas.

He may have won but he is still a loser, just as Rodman was with the Bulls. The Sox have a few classy guys, but they have a few puds as well.
Sorry TR, I can understand your interpretation of my phrasing. I am a white guy too.

AJ reminds me of cocky white boys I know and have known. It's justy not the same as being a cocky african american or latino. It's a totally different type of swagger, a cultural thing.

If you really must know, it's some colloquialism that I grew up with and comes out of me readily. Most people understand when Im face to face...even the whitest of white boyz. I guess it loses some of its meaning on the web and, perhaps, gains some racist implications as well.

My apologies to anyone that the phrasing offended. He still seems like a cocky white boy have to admit, he is the personification of a cocky white boy. Whatever, I guess it's my city roots offending those that might not understand the caricature.

Wrong move? I don't know about that...I think a lot of people would agree or relate with what I said. I spose it might depend on where you grew up or some other set of factors. I mean no harm.
FBDad...What in he!! are you talking about. There was 1 BUSH player on saturday and his name is Barrett.

You and rosy can be heard wining from a loooonnnnngggg distance!

Zambrano is the single most unlikeable pitcher/player in either league..a complete and utter AH!

Count yourselve's lucky that Uribe had a "cubbie moment" and that your miserable bunch of bum's salvaged a win from the WORLD'S CHAMP'S.
EG i have to agree with you..I dont think anyone on the sox dislikes AJ either..People may take him as an A**, but he sure helps the sox win..Ive heard alot that players dislike him but I have never seen him do anything wrong..As for the play saturday..It was perfectly clean..Dusty and Barrett both agreed..AJ and Barrett have known each other for a while and Barrett let the best get to him..Its one thing being emotional about the game, but that doesnt mean you have to clock someone, when it was really Barretts fault for blocking the plate without the ball..Thats a fair shot...Thats Baseball..

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