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The best way to handle this is to have the catcher set up outside and drill the guy in the middle of the back. More than likely the problem will be solved. Otherwise, like TRhit said, complaining to the umpire about the coach being out of the coaches box would be the best solution. The only thing is that your coach will be required to stay in the box also once you have lodged the complaint.
If it is the same coach I am thinking of he doesn't send the hitter a sign he actually calls out the location of every pitch verbally. Is that the guy you are referring to fball? This isn't like a runner at 2b stealing a sign and sending a sign back to his hitter. This happens on every pitch of the game. I have never seen an ump address this issue.
Fastball, anytime you know this, you can use this for your advantage. If your catcher can impliment a second set of signals, you can really mess with them. Also, why wouldn't your coaching staff do the same if the umps aren't going to do anything about it? Do onto others as you... BTW, we had a coach do this to us a few years back. I did get hot. Then I announced to the stands that we know how to coach and he can see all of the signs. We held the up for everyone to see. Of course, we probablly were not using those signs. JUST A GUESS!
Bush league low end is the correct answer.

Unbelievable, he's doing this verbally? I find this, in some ways, akin to coaches who shout things out to their batters or teams in reference to the opposing pitcher, like, "He can't throw a strike, he's tired!!" or, "He's got nothing!" Not so sly efforts to undermine the confidence of the opposing pitcher. I've seen this for years in youth ball coming from more than a few coaches.

Makes me sick. As a coach, when i hear this sort of thing, I always call a time out, motion for a meeting with the blue and the other coach who is doing it, and then proceed to ask the ump what good could possibly come from this and if that is "coaching". Then I try my best to, quietly and sensibly, rip the coach and his competitve values, reminding him that the kid he's referring to is a kid, before walking away..leaving the other coach and the ump alone for a few seconds. The ump almost always appreciates the fact that it was done as a conference and issues a "suggestion" to the other coach.

This guy is coaching high school ball? Makes me wonder where these slugs crawl out from and how long they have gotten away with such profound ****. That kind of thing really destroys the elegance of the quiet communication that occurs in a properly executed ball game.
Really good advice Hopper. Drill him in the back?!!?

My kid was drilled in the head a couple of weeks ago, by a 93 mph fastball! Those helmets
don't protect the head all that well. He suffered a concussion, and a cut on the side of
his head! The lump on the side of his head was
the size of a baseball! And this was by a College pitcher who probably had a little more
control than any high school pitcher!

Watch your words please!

I seriously apologize for making the comment that I made!! I think that you would have to be an idiot to actually intentionally attempt to injure or put in harms way another athlete at any level, pro or amateur, regardless if it is football, hockey or baseball. I was just making the comment to try and stimulate discussion and try and get some people going as I think that people often times do on this forum. I was not thinking (thoughtlessly on my part) of people who have had children seriously injured or injured as is the case with your son. Bad judgement on my part and once again I apologize for even suggesting someone do that.
Apology accepted!!

I, as an adult, did not take you seriously, but
this is a forum for old and young...and sometimes the young take words like that seriously! " Hummmmmm sounds like a good idea!"

Conversation here doesn't need much to get a rise out of people....just look at the Cubs Sox
thing!!! lol

By the way, welcome to hsbaseballweb....a little late but heartfelt!!

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