For my team, a big or national tournament is their prize for woking hard all year on the fundamentals of baseball. They have fun with it. This is their time to put it all together. Most of the teams we compete aganist work hard on the basic of BB. Sure there are a few who don't. This is true for other aspects of life and other sports I'm sure. 100% compliance of something is never garranteed.
Most teams don't get a trophy. We go to compete and be the best we can be. To me that's you (TR) putting a negative spin on a fun team family oriented baseball event. When you write something like above, you are putting all of us in the same pot and this is not right either.
Most of the kids who played with and aganist my older son are still playing. He's twenty Y old. Some are at colleges, others playing adult BB.
This is my second time around and we are having more fun. Plus, I know a lot more now. None of my players either current or former players have quite because of being burnt out. And no my older son is not burnt out. In fact, he went on to work even harder than even I could have imagined. He's playing college BB because of it and his determination.
If you know of a specific situation of no fundamentals or over use by a coach, use that specific situation to point it out. But please don't put all of us in the thread under "Coaching Idiocy".