We are losing umpires at a rate well over the addition rates of new candidates....There are just not a lot of young people entering into umpiring....when I look around my chapter I see a lot of older umpires (at 47 I am in the "younger" group).......we have umpires who are well into their seventies still calling HS games.....
Recently my association sent a questionnaire to former members who quit umpiring within the past five years. Some had umpired as little as two years and some as much as twenty. We were most interested in why those with less than ten years and particularly with those with less than three years experience had left.
The top reasons given, in order were:
1. Treatment by coaches
2. Treatment by fans
3. Expense of equipment and uniforms purchase and replacement.
4. Getting time off work to make HS games
5. Slow rate of promotion
6. Expense of travel
7 Increased amount of training expected by the assocation.
8. "Politics"/issues with assignments
9. "No longer enjoyable/fun"
10. Family issues