“How many curveballs would you have him throw the rest of the game”
This would depend on how effective his curve was opposed to his fastball and if he supinates (thumb up at drive and finish) it or not? If he supinates his curve I would ask him to quit throwing it that way or quit throwing it altogether!! Deep into a 100 pitch game where you only have 2 pitches throwing 50 supinated curves would have now caused severe inflammation from the bone at the back of his elbow from the hyper extension that it causes now add in the fastball if it is supinated? If his fastball is moving towards the ball arm side of home plate then he is probably pronating (thumb down) at least the release, this is good. What does his fastball do?
If you are willing to continue with a injurious supinated curve and it is a dominant one I would start with the curve to get an early strike then throw several of his fastballs (does he have just one fastball?) to get to 2 strikes then finish them off with the curve. Its tough sequencing with just 2 types of pitches, after the first time through the pitcher has an intuitive knowledge about whether the batters can handle this curve or not so you pitch the next time through with this knowledge. The second time through the line up start the batters whom looked bad on the fastballs with fastballs and the guys that looked bad on the curveballs with curveballs, finish them off with the opposite. The third time through the line up the pitcher can use all the previously attained information to calculate his next pitch sequence
“The pitching coach for our team had him throw close to a 50/50 ratio of fastballs and curveballs”
Sounds about right if he only has two pitches and they are both healthy, pronated?
Did you guys win?
“That resulted in a couple of walks and some cheap hits.”
Is this a good thing or bad in your opinion?
“If you throw 2 fastballs for balls and your sitting there with a 2-0 count, why would the coach think he could throw a curve for a strike.”
Maybe he throws his curve for a strike more often than the fastball that is often the case?
Motor skill performance would dictate that after throwing 2 previous fastballs that he would be better able to locate the next fastball.
The coach need only call pitches if he has not done his job with the pitchers!
Pitchers should be taught how to pitch the three types of batters Pull, spray and Opposite.
Pitchers should be calling their own pitches unless the coach has a play on.
We throw 33 % fastballs at -2(pronated movement in and out) 33% mid-speed called –10’s (pronated Slider & Sinker) and 33% Changeups at –20 (pronated Curve and Screwball). The mid range velocity pitches capture the most strikeouts.
“On another front”