Originally Posted by Jimmy03:
This is where we will differ...as a trainer and evaluater, I'd rather see occasional mistakes that then go away. Mistakes happen to all umpires. Consistent strikes 6" off the plates is horrible umpiring, and harder to fix.
I completely understand your perspective, and if I was training I'd think just as you do. And beleive me, I don't want to face 6" off the plate, but at least we can adjust. It's like golf to me, if you consistently slice, aim to the left and play the slice. But if you miss both ways, it's a lot harder to adjust to find the fairway.
The fluctuating zone showed up again last night. We got coffee canned for the first 5 1/2 innings, which I didn't love, but the guy was very consistent with it both ways, so we adjusted. No sweat and my mouth was shut the whole time.
Bottom of 6 he decides to open it up. Unbelievable.
I just don't get it. It's not the umpires fault we lost at all, not even close. But it's very frustrating for a kid to have one zone his first 3 at bats and a completely different zone his last.