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How can you tell if your camp evaluation was good?
Would this evaluation be good information to share with prospective coachs?
Pitching section-all marked good to excellent.
All pitches were marked as thrown for strikes.
comments were mostly positive. Competes, +change-up,pumps strikes,closes self off, cutter, continue to locate. Not sure what continue to locate means. Could mean locate pitches.
This seems to be positive eval, but it's the first one and I haven't seen others on the site.
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That looks like a pretty good evaluation to me. Smile Take a look in the Showcase forum - there are some discussions on evaluations and terminology. There is no way to know precisely what the evaluator is thinking, but that language seems pretty positive to me.

Personally, I wouldn't share it with other coaches. Every coach probably has his own way to evaluate players and would rather make his own assessment.
Not a problem with the questions. The camp was at a college. The college coaches, head coach, pitching and position coaches ran the camp. I believe some other area college coaches were also there. The schools coaches provided the evaluations. We did not see any other evaluations as they were mailed. The evaluation didn't indicated if the evaluation was good, bad or in-between. Just trying get the thoughts of some of the knowledgable folks here.
Ah, OK. This is good, then. College coaches usually don't pull punches.

I'm more wary when Joe's Baseball School has an evaluation showcase. It usually turns out that Joe is the evaluator and Joe has an all-star team and Joe's 'boys' always grade out higher than everyone else. (It's good for Joe's business)

In this case, I'd say you got a fair shake. And some very good marks. Keep working hard. Keep locating your pitches.

As far as sharing the evaluation with other coaches, I don't see why not. You paid for it. Use it. If you're not comfortable without hearing it's OK from the coach himself, you can always ask him.

Good luck this season. Keep posting.
Last edited by AntzDad
"Continue to locate" refers to your son's ability to demonstrate his command of the strike zone. In effect, the evaluator is emphasizing the need to maintain, if not improve, the percentage of strikes that he throws as he develops.

If there's a universal truth about college pitchers, it would be that consistently effective strike throwers get innings, while pitchers who struggle to locate their pitches do not. Therefore, it sounds like your son is on the right track.

Best of luck to him!

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