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I do not beleive that the NCAA sanctions any leagues anymore. I remember reading somewhere they no longer sanctioned summer teams, but there are some teams approved by NCAA rules, so they do not lose eligibilty for accepting things that are not allowed.

I wouldn't ask the NCAA, I would ask his coach. I am not sure of which division your son plays for or implications. But if your son should get hurt and have to return to school, you would would be 100% responsible for all costs for rehab. Or he could sustain an injury pithcing in something meaningless that might mean a season on the bench.
Out of respect, it should be asked of him before you ask anyone, whether it is allowed or not.
Most pitchers are in off season, unless they have been throwing on a regular basis, injury can occur. Why take a chance?
Thanks, but it sounds like no one knows for sure what the rules are. I just thought this must have come up before and some of the old timers on this site would know. As far as preparation, he should be good to go. However, it will be up to the coach. I just figured there was no point bothering him during Christmas break unless it were permitted. I appreciate your concern about injuries - however you run that risk every time you step on the mound.
BT, being in SAT, I know your son is less than 30 days from the start of Spring practice. We also know that once that starts, he cannot play with any other team. My view is why even take a chance with his eligibility? He has nothing to gain and a fair amount in jeopardy.
But if you want to risk it, make sure you talk with the NCAA compliance officer for UIW also. In fact, I would check with the compliance officer before I check with the coach.
Honestly, I don't think it is worth taking a 1% chance of jeopardizing eligibility because NCAA rules aren't always clear...even to compliance officers.
Last edited by infielddad
Thanks for all the good advice. I just want to make sure we are not doing anything wrong. We definitely don't want to violate any NCAA rules and we surely don't want to do anything behind the coaches back. As far as his summer coach is concerned, I think this is just a rinky dink tournament where kids are just trying to get in some games. The coach is just trying to pick up players - which is often a problem this time of year. As far as we are concerned, you can get injured any time and we have never approached any game with the idea of something bad happening. We are just looking for another opportunity to throw - and nothing quite matches up to throwing in a game.

We will check with the coach and make sure everything is okay.
ncaa bylaw 14.7 for DI

"All sports other than basketball:
You are not eligible in your sport for the remainder of the year and the next academic year if, during the academic year, you competed as a member of any outside team in any noncollegiate, amateur competition. You may compete outside of your declared playing and practice season as a member of an outside team in any noncollegiate, amateur competition during any official vacation period published in your institution's catalog. Competing in the Olympic Games tryouts and competition and other specified national and international competition is permitted. [Bylaws 14.7.1, and 14.7.3]"

ncaa link, DI

We are just looking for another opportunity to throw - and nothing quite matches up to throwing in a game
I don't see anything wrong with playing - seems like a good tune-up
Last edited by Bee>

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