I know they can't contact a 2022 but can answer the phone. Is responding to an email like answering the phone? Thanks for the help.
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My understanding is that they can answer a call, but not respond to e-mails unless they are corresponding about an on-campus prospect camp that would be open to any participant. I'm sure others will chime in with more details.
The (far too) simple way to look at it is that the coach can not do anything that requires effort. They can answer the phone but cannot return or initiate a call. They can look at a text, but not return it or initiate a text. They can read a letter or email, but cannot return the email or letter.
Depending on the calendar and location of contact, they can’t even give you more than a “Hello” in person. Get familiar with the rules now. It will save you a lot of headaches of “why is everyone IGNORING me?”
Thank you. The email was related to a camp he attended, which was open to all.
Again, I appreciate the responses.
Yes, if you email them asking questions about a camp or thanking them for a camp (I recommend),they can respond.