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Young or old, its never too late to hand out candy, visit a local haunted house, and have a spookie but safe night!
Make the lil' ones giggle,...tell the teenagers they arent too old to partake, and carve the ol' jack-o-lantern. Sip some warm spiced cider with good friends, neighbors, & family and don't forget to get those pumpkin seeds salted and roastin'!

Enjoy the fall leaves blowing in the breeze,...
and have a spooook-tacular evening, dear baseball friends!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " Play both sports until the competition convinces you otherwise!! " " ...because baseball is just GOOD PRACTICE FOR LIFE ".
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Recipe Ingredients

8 c. popped popcorn

2/3 c. light corn syrup

2/3 c. granulated sugar

1/2 tsp. salt

Combine the corn syrup, sugar and salt in a large kettle and heat on medium heat while stirring until dissolved. Add the popcorn to the kettle and toss. Cook for an additional 5 minutes until mixture becomes very sticky. Remove from heat.

Shape popcorn into balls with clean hands and cool. Wrap the balls in plastic wrap and seal tightly with a twister.

Can add food coloring or colored geletin to make different colored ones!

Last edited by shortstopmom
Popcorn balls. Mozarella. You guys sure had a placid childhood.

In my day it was apples with razor blades. Brownies with secret ingredients. Each goblin carried strategic cherry bombs.. into the open windows of parked cars less those neighbors not provide ample treat. Eggs were the preferred weapon of choice.. smearing them onto windows alphabetically.. spelling out a lucky surprise for "Snow Birds" who returned four months later.


Trick or treat was mainly trick. Sheer terror guised as Batman and Robin. The weighted candy bag was a measure of our success, yes, but the pranks..

By Bum:
" In my day it was apples with razor blades. Brownies with secret ingredients. Each goblin carried strategic cherry bombs.. into the open windows of parked cars less those neighbors not provide ample treat. Eggs were the preferred weapon of choice.. smearing them onto windows alphabetically.. spelling out a lucky surprise for "Snow Birds" who returned four months later."

By EH:
"I hear you Bum,
In are day, if you wanted candy you had to dodge eggs
Water balloons, rocks.
And be able to outrun are hide in the Sticker Bushes from your older brother and his friends.
And then of course your dad would have to check out your bag."

And both of you know that if trick-or-treating in the Pacific Northwest on the west side of the Cascades all of what you have so aptly described is done in the pouring down rain!
There was a good reason why all of us had the same Halloween costume...

Last edited by gotwood4sale
All right I've got to let this Halloween story rip:
When I was a junior in HS some buddies and I all loaded up in one of friends' El Camino (about a 72 I think)... We were well stocked with tomatoes and eggs and we drove thru town just nailing all our friends cars and everything in sight... We thought we were unstoppable!
Then while we were at a stop light a huge grain truck full of seniors pulled up beside us. They were up much higher because of their big truck and they just unloaded on us with buckets of cold water, eggs, tomatoes, pumpkins ... we got so destroyed....
The next year... guess who was in the grain truck???

PS: the kids would all go to jail for the nite if they did this now... of course none of Skippers offspring know this story.

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