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Of all the players that could have become such a disappointment to me is Jose Canseco. He could have done so much for those kids in the barrios of this country who want to play BB but find all the doors shut to them.

I guess he became embittered by the inequities which he describes in his book as the double standard for white anglo-saxon players and the minority players. But that is inexcusable since he didn't have to allow any of that to touch him. He never realized the "good" he could have done with his fame.

Now he has completely destroyed any chance for himself to get into the HOF, which would have been a great accomplaishment for someone coming from his background.

Believe me I am not to happy about it since it does give grist for mill for those who don't want the Spanish players in the MLB anyway. As a result I think he has done more damage for players with Hispanics names than anyone could have.

Players need to understand that the comparison of players doesn't only extend to their skills but they are representatives for their nationalities also. Jackie Robinson knew this and put up with the most ugly aspects of the human condition perpetrated against another in his endeavor to break the color barrier.

Canseco did no favors to players like my son who is of Spanish heritage. If there wasn't an automatic assumption that Hispanics are nothing but trouble makers...Canseco couldn't have given more ammunition to the supremacist in this game if he had donated it.

I have advised my son to keep his opinions to himself, deliver the "goods" and play the game. Canseco should have done likewise.
Originally posted by TRhit:

If you, for one moment , think that Canesco even once thought about the kids in the barrios you are more close minded than I thought.

Remember this is a "man" who tried to run down his wife in the street


Your eloquence is just astounding.
Originally posted by TRhit:

And this from a Italian,one generation removed from the old country, and I dont use a "Thesaurus" as some are apt to do. I really cant use it--I dont read that well !!!!


..and so it goes. I could approach my response with the same contempt, but why bother, to many fine and upstanding Italians have giving their lives for this country to allow you to sully them in tthis conversation.

The reference to the Thesaurus is also an attempt to express contempt, but I won't respond to it, except to''s never to late to get an education, even for an old Italian.
Originally posted by 2parent:

You're giving Jose too much credit as a player and a person. Jose is embittered because he didn't achieve the level of success of the players he's "outing". The guy has always been about himself and he's not the type of guy you'd want preaching to the "barrios kids of Marin".


With so many barrios and so many kids that need a chance at life, Canseco's obligation was writtien for him by his ancestor's. He ignored their calling, and has lived to reap the shame he planted in his own self-absorption.

Old Spanish families like mine do not abandon our traditions in respect we owe to those that died in the labor of bringing us life. I don't know if his family adhered to those traditions and he chose to ignore them, or he was of a generation that no longer pays homage to there ancestors.

But it is obvious that in a desire to achieve success in BB he cut corners, betrayed his friends and lost the respect for the game as those in the game have lost respect for him.
..and so it goes. I could approach my response with the same contempt, but why bother, to many fine and upstanding Italians have giving their lives for this country to allow you to sully them in tthis conversation.

The reference to the Thesaurus is also an attempt to express contempt, but I won't respond to it, except to''s never to late to get an education, even for an old Italian.

There was no disparaging remark made towards Italians. He was stating his heritage. He did not say Italians do not read that well, he said he did not. Geez, learn to read.

Either express contempt or don't. Make up your mind. You are so wishy washy and confused. Quick find the meds!
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