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Hi everyone-love this site, my son gets on once in awhile and I read a ton, but am wondering why there are connection problems? At least once a week, I and two other users in the family get the " ---cannot connect to this website" usually it is a couple days down, but the last three weeks we have only been able to conect on Sun.I feel like this is my lifeline to baseball info and really need access to all of the wonderful info now! What is up with the site? Jupiter is three days away and we would like to be able to connect tomorrow!
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It's the Fluoride in the water. That'll do it every time. Big Grin

Our home computer will refuse to connect about every fourth try for no apparent reason. I've had IT types look at it, I've downloaded "find it and fix it" programs that detected, supposedly, more issues than one could imagine, yet the problem persists. We've used Exlorer, Foxfire, Chrome, and a couple others...all had the same issue.

I'm almost to the point of the "smash test"-hitting it with a sledge hammer,and if it fails to turn on after that, that's proof a new computer was needed...
Yeah-it connected today! That's really strange that noone else has experienced this. I can connect to any website EXCEPT HSBBweb. Hubby tried it from work last week and he couldn't connect either. Anyway, I'll be copying, pasting, and saving as many threads as I can this morning! Hokieone, good luck with that "smash testing", I feel your pain!

I took a quick look and I can't see any settings in your account that should give you trouble connecting. Our forums very rarely go down for technical reasons - I only know of a few outages in the 6 years or so that I have been running the site. I actually pay a large monthly hosting fee (close to $800/month) in order to obtain the advanced software, multiple servers, and technical support needed to keep a site this large from crashing.

It's possible that you may have a problem with a virus or a security setting. Since this site contains interactive forums, your browser or your Internet provider might consider it "dangerous" and block it. You might try adding "" to your Trusted websites list in your browser, and see if it makes a difference. Please let me know your results if you do try that.

Last edited by MN-Mom

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