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Hi, I just needed some advice on a decision I just can't seem to make.
I have been offered scholarship money to both a D-1 Junior college as well as a D-1 University.
The JC is one of the top programs in the entire nation, but a small campus and in the middle of the farms. But an awesome program.
The D-1 University is a Mid-D1 program, in the process of rebuilding so to speak. I liked both very much when I went for a visit. I'm just stuck on which one is the better route. I feel like the JC has a much better baseball program, but im stuck on the notion that D-1 university is just a better route to go. I feel like I have the potential to be drafted with all the hard work I have and will be putting in.
I have convinced myself that the JC is the better choice for me, but then I think to myself what if after the two years at juco I do not receive any further offers, I will never forgive myself for passing up a D-1 University.
I'm in a big dilemma and don't have much time to work with as I will report to either programs in January of 2011. Any help will be appreciated, and sorry if I didn't make much sense in what I wrote, it is late and I am quite tired.
Thank you
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The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Last edited by FormerObserver
I am a big fan of high school ballplayers considering the JuCo route as an option, but it needs to fit their goals. What are yours? Based on feedback you are receiving from knowledgeable assessors of talent, do you expect to get drafted this year? Do you have a third school in mind after your JuCo days are over (and if you don't get drafted)? Do you have a good idea whether you would play right away (you probably knew this already, but there are some JuCos that are extremely competitive)?

What is it about the D1 that is giving you pause?

On these pages, we tend to equate everything D1 as gold plated, but there are a number of D1 schools that would struggle competing against D2's and maybe even D3's (either the program is traditionally just weak, rebuilding like you said, or simply not emphasized as one of that school's sports). Is this the kind of school that is showing interest?

Non-baseball questions; do you like the campus? The people? Do they offer academic challenges that you'd like to meet? Could you see yourself going there is you weren't playing baseball?

I tell my sons that, in life, they should always run TO something, and not AWAY from something; pick the option that lets you move towards your goals. Good luck with your choice; I hope you'll come back and post what you decide.
Last edited by Ole Ball Coach
We faced a similar decision. We had an offer from a D1 JC that had been in the D1 world series 4 years in a row. We chose the D1 4year even though the BB was not the greatest .
For us it was about the experience of playing top D1 programs and getting a great education. My son was not interested in playing beyond college.
My son graduated over a year ago and has had numerous great job offers. It seems employers are also impressed by D1 BB players. He is currently 4 months into a career job a with an International marketing company and just won an award for his integrity and effort which was a North America wide competition.
I think it is important to stick with 1 school for all 4 years and develop a great relationship with the school and all you come in contact with. The references are invaluable.
Last edited by BobbleheadDoll
It sounds like your goal is to use the college baseball experience as a way to get drafted and move on in the game. It also sounds like from your post that baseball is very important to you.

Which program offers you the best opportunity to reach your baseball goals?

Which program will help you become a better player?

Which program will give you the best opportunity to reach your full potential as a player?

Look at it this way. If your in that JUCO program for two years, work as hard as you say you work, and your not offered any opportunities to play past that JUCO then you would not have been good enough to contribute at the D1 as a freshman coming out of hs , right?

You can't base your decisions out of fear you will fail. Both of these schools have offered you because they believe you can play for them. They dont offer kids that they dont think can play. Now you have to decide which situation is the best situation for you. Go with your heart and never look back. And never fear failure.
You guys are awesome.
Well OleBallCoach, I do not expect to get drafted this year I was thinking more towards after my second spring season, just simply because its hard to get any interest in itself, so I would have to go to the juco and perform like I know I can and then I assume the next year would be the most logical time for me to get drafted. The JC i forgot to add has a 47 man roster, the coach initially wanted me for next fall but after seeing me he said he needed me for this spring season because my bat could really help him out. Plus I believe he wouldn't be offering me money if I was to ride the pine. I may be mistaken but I feel like I have a great chance to play, as well he did tell me he was going to find any position for me to play this spring because he needs my bat in the lineup. This school has won the World series I believe thirteen times, and they are always in the running to make it to the WS.
The thing about the University is that, It's a new coach, and the school is just now seeing Baseball as one of it's top sports so it's basically this year that they really started putting effort in finding the right coach to make the program successful. I feel like the University tho could go either way, be really successful, or just continue along the same path that they've been on.
And Coach_may, yes baseball is my life, I am always at the gym and training indoors because it really means a lot to me, I know I have the talent I just need to show it at the right place. I feel like the JC program is miles ahead of the University program, but I feel like D-1 university players have better chances to get drafted. And maybe playing at a D-1 school for four years I can garner more interest in my freshman and soph. years and therefore have a good chance to get drafted in my final two years, rather than going to JC and then transferring. The university plays in the MEAC conference, so I don't know if you guys can tell me if it's a good enough conference to be seen in or if it's not.
Anyways I will stop blabbing now, thank you guys for all your help.
I don't think it has been mentioned yet or if it has, I missed it.

You can be drafted both years of your JUCO years. Not sure if you know that or not.

Also, if you're a top JUCO player you can also get recruited by a major D1 to come play after your JUCO freshman year.

Look at the incredible opportunities you have at a JUCO who to me sounds like a very competitive team to be on. I'm sure this JUCO coach has a knack for getting his players to the next level.

Either way. Good luck.
Go to where the best opportunity lies to compete and complete your education.
The draft and all that other pro stuff is icing on the cake. IMO, one should never make their decision based on where is the best chance to get drafted, unless, you already show pro potential. All of that is up to the individual player and for right now, you only have a perception of what you need to do to get drafted.
Baseball may be your life but at college you can't play unless you go to class and succeed, so go where you most likely feel you will do well, for now, in the classroom.

You are entering spring semester, I am not sure of your situation or where you are coming from, out of HS?
The MEAC conference has been at or near the bottom of D-1 conference rankings.
That certainly does not mean that they don't have good schools or good programs. Several players are drafted from the MEAC every year.

Getting an offer from any D1 school is something to be very proud of, but to me, an offer from a re-building program in a relatively weak conference is not really a strong indicator of a player with current strong draft potential.

(Please don't take that as anything other than an objective opinion)

To become a player with strong draft potential, you need to build upon your current skills, find a position, increase your strength, speed, etc.
It sounds like the JUCO can offer that, plus a chance to play right away.

Don't worry about what you might miss out on in 2 years. If you aren't good enough at that point to be picked up by another D1 school, there's a good chance you wouldn't still be on the roster at the original D1?

If you improve and do well, then you could get drafted, or have many other great options with D1's or top D2's.

Or, you could heed the advice I gave my Son when he couldn't decide what school to attend?

"If there is not a clear-cut favorite, go to the school with the cutest girls"!
Best of Luck to you!
Thanks everybody you guys are awesome with your advice.
I do find myself arguing with myself over which way to go. I hear something good about the university and then im excited and convinced on that, but then I hear something about the juco and then my whole opinion changes. And to answer the question, im from eastern canada so currently in CEGEP over here, thats why im leaving mid year. The thing with the university is that, the school is rebuilding but the new coach has signed ten kids for next year to join the team, and they seem to at least be good ballplayers, at least size wise, they're pretty much all built like trucks, ( I saw their height and weight and position on the coaches board when I went down for a visit ). Maybe you guys can give me a little insight then on the Midwest Juco area. Iowa region, nebody know much about that? Alright, thanks guys for all your help. I just can't seem to stick to a decision for now, but come this week I will need to stick to one place and get ready for that.
Thank you
Realize that there are no guarantees in life. You are responsible for what happens to you. If you end up going to the Juco and you don't end up getting further offers then that's that. But you also need to know like everyone else, to succeed you need to take risks all the time in life. Either choice you go with you are taking a risk.
Baseball2727, good luck with your decision and let us know where you do decide to go.

Indian Hills is a very good program and has had a great tradition through the years. Lots of history there, that I'm sure PG could expand on too.

I played there back in the 70's and went back to see the ol' town and things have definitely changed and progressed through the years.

The coaches welcomed me in their office to sit and talk about their program and see all the memorobilia collected over the years. How many programs at any college level would do that for an alumnus from over 30 years ago?

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