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I really don't want time to fly by, but the winter blahs are killing me!

My son is a HS freshman. This is the baseball season he's dreamed about for years. This is the season I have dreamed about since he was 2 years old! I'm about to BUST WIDE OPEN!

My son was hitting last night in the garage, and as I was placing balls on the tee my mind began to wander...

It's 20 degrees outside with 4" of snow on the ground. I have so much we need to get done before his freshman season starts in what, 6 or 7 weeks!!!

He's worked so hard for the last year preparing for this, and it's almost here.

Anybody else ready (or as I am, overly ready)?
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Originally posted by go3:
. . . This is the season I have dreamed about since he was 2 years old! I'm about to BUST WIDE OPEN!

. . . I have so much we need to get done before his freshman season starts in what, 6 or 7 weeks!!!

Please try to make sure his dream, not yours, is the one that's driving the train. Suffocation is a leading cause of death of baseball dreams.

Best wishes for a great frosh season for your son!
Originally posted by Swampboy:

Please try to make sure his dream, not yours, is the one that's driving the train. Suffocation is a leading cause of death of baseball dreams.

Best wishes for a great frosh season for your son!

No problems with suffocation. The kid loves it and that's what makes the anticipation that much better.

Oh, I've heard the stories of other parents we've been around over the years about "dragging" the boys to practice, "making" them go to lessons, "begging" them to play in the fall to "stay" sharp.

I've never had that problem!

I remember when the kid woke up one morning years ago, he was six, with his glove in bed with him (like a teddy bear) and said, "Daddy, do we have a baseball game today?".

I'll never forget that morning as long as I live.

Last night we oiled up his new glove (Christmas present), stuck a ball in it and wrapped it up tight. I thought about that morning when he was six and almost cried. My little boy is taller than I am now, but he still has that inner love for the game, passion for winning and drive to get better that cannot be taught!

No chance of suffocation with this one, but dad may keel over with anxiety!
Last edited by go3
I know everyone here is saying "it goes fast", but it is really hard to comprehend how fast it does go by when you are just begining. Enjoy every minute.

I remember when the first season came to a close it was like "we waited all year for this?". It seemed like it was over just after it had begun!

Playing year round in Florida the season never ended, there was always another game just around the corner. But when the 26th game of the HS season ended before summer even arrived it was an odd feeling.

That said...I can't wait for spring either! Or at least February when my son's season begins. I am right there with you! But my guy does not work out with me anymore...that is a bummer as well.
Last edited by floridafan
Originally posted by floridafan:

I am right there with you! But my guy does not work out with me anymore...that is a bummer as well.

I have a friend who's daughter went off to college (sports scholarship) a year ago. They worked out together almost every day for years. He said he cried alot once he realized she was gone and their routine was over.

I can see me doing that someday for sure, sitting on a ball bucket in the garage....
Enjoy it man! You are getting ready to have four of the most fun years of your life and so is your son. I love the fact you work with your son like that. It builds a bond that will last forever. I hope he has a great freshman season and an outstanding hs career. And I know he will look back on these times and appreciate the fact that Dad took the time to be a part of it with him.

I dont get to work with my son anymore either. Just when he comes home for the fall and Christmas break. And those are special times even though I dont like to throw with him anymore. The arm is sore and it wears me out but its special to me. Good luck this season and let us know how its going. And dont rush one minute of it by. Good luck
I know how you feel. I got a phone call from my son a few minutes ago. His long toss partner for this afternoon cancelled on him and he hasn't been able to find a replacement. I'll meet with my 2:00 appointment then slip out to throw with him, or more accurately shag balls for him. I'm good to 150-180 feet then the pain and tingling starts. I'm still recovering from throwing Christmas day. But I'll be there today at 3:00, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Originally posted by MTH:
I'll meet with my 2:00 appointment then slip out to throw with him, or more accurately shag balls for him. I'm good to 150-180 feet then the pain and tingling starts. I'm still recovering from throwing Christmas day. But I'll be there today at 3:00, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

LOL, I know the feeling!! When we go long toss I carry the fungo! The kid just shakes his head and chuckles. OK, dad, you hit and I'll throw, right? Ha , ha junior...

I can throw BP for hours with no problem, but I long toss like a t-baller....
go3, best of luck to your son. H.S. baseball is just awesome.. a time you can watch your son play and practice nearly daily. Trips to the cages. To towns just next door for games. Networking with the dads at the training sessions. Fun stuff.

That was three years ago for me. Now my son is far away, and I haven't really seen him play since then. Enjoy it while you can.
My son is a freshman this year too and I have the same feelings. Let's get this party started! He, mom and I are excited. I know it will go by fast.

Here is a link to one of my Texas friends posts that puts things in perspective. vanlandingham is a very knowledgable and respected coach with a couple of talented sons.

I Woke Up...

Good luck to everyone...especially to the freshman players and parents!
Last edited by MDteX
Good luck and have fun. But be prepared for his teammates to take over as his hitting, long toss, and fielding partners. My husband still gets in some practices with our son, but with his freshman year we saw him pull away from us a little as he moved toward his buddies. They're great kids, so it's all good. He's just a sophomore, so has lots more in front of him.

We try not to get too excited, but I must admit it isn't working. We really enjoyed his 1st HS season, and look forward to the next. While we agree that travel teams, PG tournaments, and showcases are the way to be seen, in our small town high school competition is still where it's at for team spirit, rivalries, etc. This year there are some very good teams in our district and region, so there is lots to play for!
go3 - enjoy your time! I also can't wait for the season to start.

MTH a phone call from my son a few minutes ago. His long toss partner for this afternoon cancelled on him and he hasn't been able to find a replacement. I'm good to 150-180 feet then the pain and tingling starts. I'm still recovering from throwing Christmas day. But I'll be there today at 3:00, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

MTH - Bring some advil and a bag of ice. I threw with college son yesterday. I'm really paying for it today. It was sooo worth the time. I haven't played catch or long toss since he left for college in August. Good times!
Last edited by fenwaysouth

Your excitement brings great memories and a "big smile" to my face! The great thing about the people here is that we all were as involved as you and certainly as excited. Everyone will tell you that high school baseball is a special time.

Work your schedule around his games, work with him as much as he will let you, and enjoy every second of it. The year and year(s) will fly by.

This is the first stop along the line where you will begin to relinquish some control (if you've been coaching him) and involvement. If he's fortunate enough to play in college ball that will be a huge next adjustment.

Of all the things I've experienced in life, not sure anything is better than sharing sports with your kids.

Have a prosperous and happy baseball new year!
Whats that old saying? "I have never heard a man on his death bed say I wish I had another day to spend at work."

My advice to you is very simple. Enjoy every minute of it. Don't miss a thing you don't absolutely have to miss. And when he starts to sprout his own wings in this game you will hurt a bit. But that will subside and turn into great pride. Pride in knowing that what you help start and what you help mature is now fully capable of moving on without your assistance.

Time really flies brother! 12 months ago I was doing the same thing with my son. I even video taped it so we could share that bond later on.

The excitement and anticipation of my son (and his mom) was great to witness. The day he came home from the last day of tryouts to announce "I made the team" is a day I'll never forget. Years of hard work was paid to achieve that. The next best news was when he earned the starting position over two other kids. Hard work on the tee/cage/field was the fruit of that labor. I also remember all the challenging times that he needed support to help get through it.

It is truly a great ride! Well, he's calling for me to work on hitting. Off I go............!!!!!!!

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