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Hey I wanted to know if anyone has ever heard of an athletic placement program called CAPS(COLLEGE ATHLETIC PLACEMENT SERVICES) they've been around since the '70's and started in Jersey but are now in Cali, um i ask the FAU pitching coach about it and explained to him what they do and he said that it would turn off most of the coaches in the country but then the head of caps said they have delt with FAU and that he knows that i dont know...but it is acrediated...please offer some help thanks
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My past experience is that those kinds of companies and the people that work in them are big name droppers when they are trying to get your business.

There are some companies out there that will truly help you in your college placement and such. They are usually based around training centers and other baseball facilities, besides just a business office.

The situation you run into is investigation. This guy says that he knows the coach and has dealt with him, but the coach says he frowns upon this particular company. I would think the coach could care less if the guys business is succesful or not and would have no reason to tell you he didn't like them unless he actually had good reason.

As this actual occurance becomes part of my every day business I can only offer the advice of not paying some incredible amount of money for someone who promises to get you into a great program with scholarship and that kind of thing. The best anyone can do is get your name out there and work through the channels they have open to them. Although thats where the name dropping comes in again because they will try to tell you that they know this coach and this other coach and they helped place so and so from your area. Its all business for them. They get paid whether you get placed in a college or not.

To close I will say, that there are very helpful organizations like this out there that won't charge an arm and a leg or promise you the world. These are the companies you should look towards. And don't jump into anything without checking just who they have signed in the past, and how much of the work they actually had to do.

"Forget the curveball Ricky, give em the heater."

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