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Only thread I could find on was from several years old so wondering if anyone has recent experience with the site. My son received an email that a college coach added him. My thought it to let him register and go as far as he can without paying for anything. But don't want to only be signing up for SPAM. 

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I realize this probably won't help but, just in case.2016 has recieved 3-4 of the same emails since spring ball.Some tourney from last year must be selling emails.I never bothered looking/or trying to find anything out about them for simple reason not interested.I have believe that at least in our case its some type of mass(2016 grads) marketing thing.

Originally Posted by Coach Bob:

2017 signed up and gets lots of "coach is checking out your profile" but we haven't delved into it further, would be interested to see if anyone has paid for the service and if it does what it advertises

Son had signed up for free service (based on a tournament he was in). Used it, created a profile, but didn't extend service. Sometimes you are able to peek what schools are looking, once free service expires. Ditto on the camp invites being the vast majority of the e-mails. If you are really curious you can pay the $20 monthly fee and cancel after the 30 days. 

Signed up for the free version, created a profile, added pictures, video, coaches recommendations, all of the stuff you can do with the free version.  This made it easier for me as we are trying to figure all of the college recruiting stuff out.  Decided to bite the bullet and try the paid version.  We wrote a few letters (which are provided as templates - lots of different templates, based on if it's an intro, pre camp, post camp, follow up, etc.).  Sent a letter to a Division 1-A college in the Big-12.  He read the intro letter - liked it, reviewed my son's profile and video, liked what he saw and has written back.  We are now talking, not sure how far this will go or how much interest is really there, but with so much to learn, this site made this process more manageable, at least for us.

No offer and I was just reading what PA2016 said, which makes me think if his friend is correct, the conversation that we have had so far, could be someone on the Captain.U site pretending to be a or the coach and corresponding as him, just to keep getting the $19 per month, which would be fraud.  Hoping that is not happening.  My next correspondence will be from my Hotmail email account to continue next steps.  I'll keep you posted. 

Here is the deal:  The college coach corresponding has been a volunteer assistant coach and not the actual coach. He provided his cell number and his email address.  I corresponded with him outside of the Captain site.  He explained that the Captain U site responsibility had been delegated to him and others by the HC.  I also opened a ticket with the Captain U site, wanting an explanation (email to HC & response from someone else and how this conflicts with the marketing of the site). The Captain U response was the same as I got from the volunteer coach.  The volunteer assistant is also running the prospect camp registration for the school.  Now that I understand more about what is going on, it makes sense.  I do not think there is much interest in our correspondence other than getting bodies to the camp.  My son visited this school after we started emailing the "coach" and really liked it. He's going on an official school tour next week and they have two majors he wants.  And yes his is going to go to the camp.  I will say that besides the learning curve we just wen through, it's been a good $19.  Organized check list, links to sites and information, scholarship opportunities, a way to manage the process. We were not looking at this school and may not of it had not been for the Captain U correspondence. The school has one catcher on the roster so who knows what may come out of the camp.

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