When looking at a catcher here are the traits I look for and the priorities I put on them.
1. Hustle- This is a leadership style IMO. It sets a tone for our entire team. Hustle takes no athletic ability, it is all about desire.
2. Vocal- In between pitches and during live action, the catcher needs to narrate the game for all to hear. He also needs to be able to communicate with his pitchers and with the coaching staff to make adjustments or build confidence.
3. Receiving- The better a catcher is at receiving, the more strikes you'll get out of your pitchers.
4. Blocking- This is important to ensure our pitchers can have the confidence to throw any pitch at any time.
5. Throwing- My emphasis on throwing is release time and accuracy. Arm strength should take care of itself.
I know I probably missed something so give me your thoughts.
Coach Rudy
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