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Gators Baseball, will host a catching clinic on Saturday December 19th, from 1-5 pm at Paschal High School. Instructors-Pepper Hastings/North Texas Alum. Danny Higgenbotham/currently a Senior at Arkansas Tech University and Garrett Campfield/currently a Senior at West Texas A & M University.

We will also host a pitching clinic on Sunday the 19th, at Paschal from 1-5 pm. Instructors-Bryan Clark/14 years pro ball experience. Bryan, is in the California Sports Hall of Fame. Nathan Long/UTA alum, and currently in the Oakland A's farm system. If enough players register, we will add another player currently playing pro ball.

You can register online at:
The clinic and camp link is located at the top of our home page. Player fee for the catching clinic is $60, and $75 for the pitching clinic, on Sunday.

Additional information needed, please contact:
Jamey Reagan
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Catching Clinic:

Intro, talk loud, take charge, be first, LEAD
put into teams
Glove scoop, 4-seam, thumb at 3
Glove scoop, 4-seam, thumb at 3

pitcher relations
3 receiving positions -- signal, relaxed, ready
glove position 3 oclock
presenting the pitch -- get around the ball
low pitch high pitch particulars
beat the ball -- stick the strike -- don't hold it long
"Where was that pitch?"
Soft hands drill -- no glove
Framing and showing the strike
Glove speed drill
"Am I giving you a good look?"
Bullpen drill -- signals, relaxed, ready, quiet hands
Glove scoop, 4-seam, thumb at 3
3 receiving positions
Soft hands drill -- no glove
Framing and showing the strike
Glove speed drill
Bullpen drill -- signals, relaxed, ready, quiet hands
Framing and showing the strike


Technique -- drive hands to ball
no ball -- block technique
ball in front

side to side
no ball -- block technique
ball in front
side to side
Man on Third contest


covering home on force and tag play
1-2-3 and 5-2-3 double play
tag play

throw tag short from all angles
fungo tag play
fielding bunts
glove scoop no ball
footwork no ball
glove scoop w ball
glove scoop w ball

field bunt throw to first
covering third base
covering third base
wild pitch fielding
throw to pitcher from screen
chase ball to screen and slide

foul balls and rundowns
rundown drill
foul pops

jab step, rock and throw, jump pivot
jab step drill no ball
jab step drill with ball
jab step drill with short throw
jab step drill with long thorw
throw to third and pitchout
throw to third

"When in doubt, use a 5-iron."
Last edited by Old School79

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