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GunEmDown10 - does your son wear the skull cap and seperate mask during high school games? If he is then that is not allowed. The helmet and mask have to tested through NOCSAE standards as a single unit which they are not since they come apart. Plus there needs to be some sort of ear flap / cover which the skullcap does not provide.
Here is the applicable NFHS Rule 1-5-3/4 regarding catchers....

The catcher must wear a head protector, shin guards, body protector, protective cup and a mask with a throat protector. Rule 1-5-3

The throat protector, which is either part of or attached to the mask, must adequately protect him.
Rule 1-5-4


The helmet must have full ear protection (dual ear flaps)

The catchers helmet must bear the NOCSAE seal of approval. Hockey style masks that meet the NOCSAE standards are legal. A skull cap helmet-mask combination is ILLEGAL because it has no protection for the ears....

Your catcher will have to wait until College ball to wear the skull and mask.....Any umpire who allows a HS player to wear this combo is opeing himself up for litgation in case of injury...
Here is the applicable NFHS Rule 1-5-3/4 regarding catchers....

The catcher must wear a head protector, shin guards, body protector, protective cup and a mask with a throat protector. Rule 1-5-3

So, PIAA, when working the plate in a recent game, after being hit with the twelfth ball in two innings, I called time out and told the catcher that if ONE MORE ball hit me, I was going to make him take off all of his gear and catch with nothing on but his mitt, he shouldn't have believed me??? Eek I got hit with 7 balls in the first inning, and five in the second before I told him that. He must'a got the message, because I didn't get hit with another ball after that! Wink
Last edited by 06catcherdad
Originally posted by Swissbaseball55:
aha alright.

I was just wondering because the mask looks amazing and so many pro catchers wear it and I heard that its only available for pros/sponsored colleges

I think this is the case. Our team has a Nike rep and we get decent teams deals on bats, shoes, uniforms, etc. I will ask him about the masks the next time I see him.

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