There will be a baseball clinic this December in Terrell Texas. It will be put on my Champs 365. Below is the information you will need to know about the clinic:
This clinic is a one day event consisting of a pro-style workout, an assessment of skills and each player will take part in games.
This event is designed for high school players who are looking to be evaluated and instructed by college coaches.
Champs 365 Baseball Clinic (Texas)
Ages: High School Players 13-18
Location: Ben Gill Park-Terrell, TX.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Starts: 9:00am / Ends: 4:00pm
Clinic Cost: $150.00
You will need to registrar online at the address below:
Info about the clinic:
Attending Coaches:
Dallas Baptist University
Louisiana Tech University
Texas Christian University
Troy University
... with more to follow
Coach Perkins
Assistant Varsity Baseball Coach