Thanks for noticing the new forum decoration!
I want to join in saying "Thank You" to D-BAT for their support.
Dtiger, I know you were joking, but I'll take the opportunity anyway to clarify the "no advertising" comment. Basically, we try to avoid having members "sell stuff" in their posts. By allowing a few carefully chosen ad banners on the top and sides of the forums, we leave this posting section in the middle
free for discussing baseball (or whatever is on your mind today).
And we keep the forum
free to all members.
People are sometimes surprised at how much it costs to host our forums. It was about $150 per month when I took over the site almost 2 years ago, but now is about $400 per month. (Hey, what are you guys doing, ordering caviar and charging it to the room?)
I funded the site out of my pocket for the first 6 months, but have gradually let members and advertisers join in helping out. Currently our costs are fully funded by the combination of advertiser/sponsor fees and occasional donations by some members, and I donate only my time. With two kids in college this year, I appreciate that!
Thanks again to D-BAT, and to all of you for being supportive and understanding!