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Sorry, but their is no way that Pisarcyzk or Messina are better than Justin Birks of LT. Birks has the arm, power and superior defensive skills. We played LWC the other night, and know that Pisarcyzk is a quality catcher, but neither has the "total package" like Birks.

For some reason Birks seems to have been overlooked by the "gurus"! And, don't tell me he isn't that good either. He deserves to be ranked in the top three in state, but you know as well as I do that politics plays a huge roll in that.



If anyone wants to debate me about Birks and his talent and ability, I'll put my money where my mouth is!!!! Any takers??????
Last edited by BoomerIL
Boomer. I am heading to the meeting in 15 minutes but needed to respond to your post because I take exception to it. Do you think we all have a personal agenda when we attend these type of meetings. I will fight for the 7 kids in our conference who we nominated for all area like there is no tomorrow. Maybe you don't really understand us coaches as much as you think you do. We take pride in our conference and don't want to be pushed aside by others who feel they play in a better conference. The wsc coaches feel we have the best conference in the state and want are area represented as much as possible. We have some very deserving kids up for nomination, but you need to understand that some will have better numbers becasue they don't face the teams we play day in and out. This is the same for the ESCC and the SICA. Finally, some of the numbers will be inflated, but how do you prove it. I guess we will see what happens tonight. i can promise you this though, tonight I am there for the kids of the WSC and will fight for them like thier coaches and conference has asked me to do. Good luck in the playoffs and congrats on a great season.
Wunderlich from DGS will make it before Crnkovich does. It's a numbers game -- tough to get multiple players from one team on there.

LT could probably have several players on their, but again -- it's tough with so many conferences fighting for spots.

Boockford from Glenbard West is a no-brainer.

Don't know how the smaller schools fit it, but Simmons and Savatski from Driscoll merit consideration as does Class AA newcomer Pete Cappetta of Montini.

Com'on, you know me better than that!!! Your probably at the meeting as I post this, but com'on, you know that I would defend the WSS Conference to the end. It is the best, period.!!!!

I expect honesty, nothing more, nothing less!!!!!!!!!!!!! Truth, to the kids, and truth to the game!!!!!!! I know you well enough to know that you will do what is right and expected. Kiss'n butts and politics is not my style, and I think you are the same. Sure, I want to see certain kids get their 'props' just like you do. What ever it is your trying to say, please be more specific, but don't think that this is directed at coaches who are doing the right things for their players. We, as parents afterall, expect the coaches to treat our kids with respect, dignity and loyalty just like you deserve as coaches and educators! Some coaches feel that they need to insult our intelligence!!!!!

We, parents and coaches alike, are cultivating young men, talented young men, who are expected to carry-on the traditions set forth by our families, schools and heritage. And I'm not just talking about athletes.

Chris, if you feel that this was directed at you, or at some coaches who might feel that there is an 'exception' to the way things really are, I sorry if you took my comments that way. "It is what it is"! I know what is right and what is wrong, and so do you!!! There is a lot of wrong out there. Lets make it right and choose the kids that "really" deserve the recognition, politics or otherwise.
boomer, I just finished my first meeting as a conference rep and I was impressed by the way it was run and the amount of information available to each caoch. There are a lot of deserving kids out there and some very impressive numbers. I won't let the cat out of the bag, but will say I left feeling that an honest job was done. Maybe a kid was missed, but every kid on that list deserved to be there. Good luck this weekend.

I believe in what your telling me is true, and its ashame that some kids get overlooked because of grades (a coaches personal preference), politics, etc. I know of, and so do you, that there are players that were very good the first two or three years of high school. Unfortunately, their senior year, they didn't live up to previous years expectations. That happens. Will they still be considered?

I expect that a few players may slip-through-the-cracks, and that's how life is. All in all, I would assume, like you stated, that the "best" players were selected.

Coach, I wish your team 'good luck' as well, but only until you meet LT. Then the "gloves" are off!!! boxing

Boomer Big Grin
Boomer -
I agree with you about your C ... but he suffers from playing at LT, where Weston, McMurray and Corcoran and Sorce and Brewer play/ did play -- so he gets overlooked just for being there.

I tossed out some names that have been getting some press lately - with the Izzy Martinez and Morton love going around, I though Elliot and his numbers might be in good shape.

Guess we'll find out soon enough.

PM me if you want to continue the discussion away from the masses.

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