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We have six national baseball teams to represent our nation and our national pastime in compettition against other nations of the world.

Womens' - open to all women
Youth - open to boys 16 and under
Junior - open to boys 18 and under
National - usually comprised of college players
Professional - usually all minor leaguers
Olympic - the best of the best that we have in the sport

Why is it that we are not dominating world competition?

There are four aspects to forming these teams ;

1 - Organization , this is the entity who selects the selection committee and coaching staffs as well as establishing the selection process

2 - Selection Committee, this group is entrusted with being fair, impartial, objective and astute in selecting the very best players to represent our nation in international competition

3 - Coaching Staff, once the players are selected, the coaches are entrusted to use the players in the most advantageous manner in pursuit of victory in all competition and honor to our nation and baseball

4 - Players, the pool of eligible participants

My contention is and has been that the selection process is flawed in that it makes its selection from too small a pool of players.

Secondly, some have implied that the selected coaching staffs were either unqualified or failed to use the players effectively.

Since gold medals have been eluding our national teams since the year 2000, what suggestions would you make in improving the process or teams?
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Iv'e been reading allot of post's regarding the USA baseball teams. Hopefully we can get better representation this year for our youth and junior teams. The one thing Iv'e noticed is that no one is saying why. If you look at some of the country's that are involved they don't have nearly the open sports that the US does. These country's have allot of sports but nowhere near what the US does. Yes,we have a large population but we have allot of sports that take up alot of time for the multi sport athlete. Cuba pushes baseball year round and pretty much nothing else. If we where limited on the sports we have, we would be totally dominate in this game. Alot of good high school baseball players do not travel nor do they play summer baseball. Football conditioning is all summer and their is allot of talent from the US that doesn't get seen at the games. So if you look at the teams for example in the JO's there are 144 teams. That's roughly 2200 kids. I'm not sure where you can even find a number for Cuba but i bet it;s ten fold on the numbers. Year round baseball on the same teams will just about beat anyone.

Here's my guess as to WillieBoBo's mission...

"Your mission, WillieBoBo, should you chose to accept it, is to secure the answer to the following question...Gold medals have been eluding our national teams since the year 2000, what suggestions would you make in improving the process or teams?"

This post will not self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck WillieBoBo...

Last edited by gotwood4sale
My point in raising the question is to point out that

1)something is wrong with the selection process

2)something is wrong with the idea that we as a nation should not expect more from teams that represent the nation

There is something wrong since the year 2000 and it should be adressed.

Further, if we go back to the beginning of international youth baseball, something is wrong that we have not presented stronger teams.

Nobody who puts together a team to represent anything will be happy as the also ran team.
I was hoping for others to present their ideas.

I would begin by choosing winners.

Winning coaches, winning players, winning adminstrators.

I would establish a selection process that would be on going and inclusive of the many organizations afilliated with USA Baseball.

I would be forming a team that has won and knows how to win.
Baseball is not a choreographed exercise as football and basketball.

I'm sure you've played pick up games and as long as everyone performs well in their positions, the team would be stellar.

When I mentioned the initial stages in my post, I was dealing with the selection process.

Once the team is selected, then the practice and finesse can be dealt with.

How about my question?

If you could pick from 1000 of the best ball players in a season, at what level would you think that team would be capable of performing?
Last edited by Quincy

If you use MLB as a standard, you have to see that the unpredictablity of our game makes it almost impossible to predict accurately.

Everyone starts with what they have on paper, and then in most instances, the team does not produce what you hoped it would.

How can one pitcher win the Cy Young one year and then be so "off" the next?
My question was rhetorical, Tom. LOL

If you could pick from 1000 of the best ball players in a season, at what level would you think that team would be capable of performing?

How can you know? One player will step up big time, another will go 0-15 like Teixiera did?
Is he now a bad hitter? Of course not, but it happens.
That is one of the main shortcomings of choosing a team from data alone.

Most often in MLB, pitchers are left in too long on days that they are not 'on'.
An ERA can take a beating when a sinkerballer doesn't keep the ball down.

Teams are formed with redundancy built in the mix. If one player isn't getting it done, someone is capable of taking his/her place.


On the selction question that you evaded, my point is that there are not merely 1000 quality ballplayers of the eligible players in each group.

There is a better selection process in the Little League World Series to find the best ball players than in choosing the players for our National Teams.

I would venture to say that there are a thousand quality ballplayers in each state to compete at the international level.
Last edited by Quincy
What a ridiculous comment! In fact, your whole series of comments on the national teams just reeks of sour grapes. Why don't you reveal what your REAL gripe is?

Leaving aside your obvious axe-grinding towards USA Baseball:

I'm not as familiar with the other national teams, but the Youth National Team has regularly medaled and also has won the gold at least once in recent years. Cuba is usually the dominant team, but remember, Cuba is in a position to choose its team early, practice them at length, and prepare for the series. Carribean players also have the advantage of already being acclimated to the heat.

Our guys are scattered around the U.S. They get about a week to get to know each other and try to learn to play as a unit, under coaches they just met. Then they have to play in places like Mexico (last year) or Venezuela (this year) in AUGUST, for Pete's sake. It's amazing they don't all double over with cramps or heat strokes. (I always wonder why they don't play in Canada or Iceland or some place cooler that time of year.)

Baseball isn't football. The best team doesn't always win. Head to head, the worst team still beats the best team about a third of the time. Single elimination tourneys inevitably suffer from the difficulty in winning several consecutive games; someone comes out the winner, but not necessarily the best team. That's why MLB plays a World SERIES, not a "super bowl of baseball.

What's amazing about our Youth National Team is that they are ALWAYS there at the finish. They have won it all on occasion, but to expect them to beat the world's best teams every single year is downright moronic. Nobody who knows diddly squat about baseball would expect that to happen.
Moronic is making excuses for failure.

Every level of the National teams have Cuba as their main competition.

With that being said, the standard should be in forming a team that will beat the best, Cuba.

I have no particular gripe with any level of the USA Baseball teams except that they fall short in bringing home the gold. (Unless Cuba is not permitted to participate.)

If you are happy with second place, that is your choice.

I have a higher opinion of this nation.

I have a higher opinion of a program who has less to work with yet attains greater results as well.

You can continue making excuses as the quality of baseball continues to deteriorate in this nation and in the make up of our national teams.

USA Baseball Medal Count

Overall Medal Count 1984-2004 (20 years)
Gold 13
Silver 23
Bronze 12

National Collegiate & Pro Medals
Gold 3
Silver 10
Bronze 3

Junior 18-Under Medals
Gold 5
Silver 11
Bronze 9

Youth 16-Under Medals
Gold 4
Silver 2
Bronze 0

Womens 16-Over Medals
Gold 1
Silver 0
Bronze 0
Last edited by Quincy
Why would you think that I had an axe to grind with the USA Baseball organization?

What reason do they have to exist besides selecting the best representatives of our baseball players in international competition?

If that was my sole purpose for my existence, I would establish a far better selection process than a one week tournament and another one week try out.

Maybe selecting these teams is too much for them.

Maybe it interferes with some other goal they may deem more important.

By your own admission, the selection process is less than desired.
I think Midlo makes some good points, but I certainly understand where Willie is coming from. One fact about baseball is that it should never be a one game series. Double elim or 3 game sets are more telling. In many other countries, the priority of National Pride comes first and foremost. Here, the are way too many other priorities. The mind set begins at the top. If we were so bent on winning for the country, we wouldn't bring these kids together for 1 week and expect them to gel. We would spend a month with them together practicing and competing to get them ready. At the upper levels, the long ball and excitement dominates the mind set. In international competition, all facets of the game become more enfasized. We could use some adjustment to thinking and planning, but I do believe we will always be right near the top in most levels. I also believe MLB will bring a different approach and leave Selig's favorite manager home next time for a more fundamental manager.
I think its great that we discuss these issue's, but nobody should have a Cow over them.
Good to see that someone is getting it.

Coachric you hit it on the head. If they choose to send a mediocre manager, what can be expected but similar results.

Every member of the selection committee should have reports from every afilliated baseball organization from the 12 year olds up in preparing and grooming our representatives.

If it is too much work for them, maybe they should quit and find something they are better suited for.
I have to agree with Midlo and Coachric; That is, no matter how or who you choose to be on any National Team, you have to give them enough time together to 'gel and perform as a team.

My son was on a team the past two summers that "looked" good based upon the caliber of the individuals. But, IMO, because they come from all over the state and did not practice much together they did not do well as a team. If you expect to "bring home the Gold" more consistently, you need to allow these national teams to work together longer before "going for the Gold".
Last edited by AL MA 08
Good to see that the discussion brought you to post.

Why is it that we non-paid baseball folks see the shortcomings in the program so easily?

Birth year, and Jr Nationals are usually by invitation. read

"Each year, USA Baseball and its competing National Member Organizations (AABC, American Legion, Babe Ruth, Dixie, NABF, PONY, and RBI) invite the top 144 high school-aged players in America to the Tournament of Stars, where players vie for one of 18-20 spots on the USA Baseball Junior National Team." dwarf
Last edited by Quincy
Giardina is very impressive. He 2-hit us the night we played them. We scored our runs with a bit of creativity. And frankly, I believe he could be even better with a better catcher. His catcher is good, but struggles a bit from the movement on Giardina's pitches. (...not intended as a slam on the catcher, but rather as praise for Giardina.)

Is Carmine throwing tonight, or are they saving him for the final tomorrow?
Last edited by FloridaHokie

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