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Since mine is graduating this year I decided to do a celebration of success calendar for him.

One of those you give the photo shop 12 pictures and they make up the calendar for you.

I used pictures from t-ball up through college, Used only the highest moments. Let me forwarn you I did some serious agonizing over which were the right moments to use. However, it sure was a lot of fun going through them.

Should be interesting to see his reaction.
Nothing baseball this repeat nothing! With this recent move to California and son to college in Virginia.....I did a lot of packing......and I am now storing son's "baseball stuff".....7 very large tubs full......signed balls, bats, cards, original Mullin/Sporting News prints, glove collection.....etc. ,etc., etc.......all now in decided this year.....clothes....'cause I don't have anymore storage room!

Lafmom.....board games are the best.....agree.....we have those in storage too.....

AParent...great idea...he should enjoy that gift very much.
Last edited by LadyNmom
I went to "Perfect Every Time"'s web site, and ordered shaving/travel kits made out of baseball glove leather, with the Rawlings logo, and leather baseball mouse pads. They even have luggage made out of glove leather...pricey to be sure, but pretty neat stuff that smells great! (like baseball gloves...duh!). The briefcase that I use at work came from there as well-100% baseball glove leather.
I have been advised NOT to buy any clothes for my 20 year-old anymore as he seems to think that he will like only what he or his girlfriend pick out.

I have bought him a camera which I hope he doesn't lose before he goes to Alaska this summer to play for the Peninsula Oilers. I hope he takes lots of pics since it doesn't look like we will be able to make a trip up there.

He told us he really only wanted a few wood bats for Christmas. He has ordered several from the Iron Wood bat company so I guess he has pretty much bought his own Christmas gifts this year. Although, I am sure Dad and I will get the bill for the bats, lol. Wink

Since my sons have reached their twenties, it is so much harder to buy for them than when they were little. I remember the days when they were SO excited to receive a few "cheap" toys for Christmas. As they have gotten older, the "toys" have gotten a lot more expensive and their choices have gotten a lot less predictable.

I guess you can never go wrong with gift cards and good old cash! Big Grin

My son is off to college but I will volunteer coach again

I have really enjoyed my baseball subscription to
$49.00 for the year for baseball and softball. I got that much good the first day.

I like being able to watch different coaches speak about all the topics . I have learned a lot.

I am thinking about giving it to some friends
Last edited by swingbuster

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