I recently contacted the NCAA committee, one of the members is President of a local Division I university, regarding the latest baseball regulations.
I just received a response today in the form of a personal 4 page email from the NCAA committee.
My inquiry was with regard to the 25% makeup for scholarships.
Here is what I got:
"The current financial aid model was amended to include a miniumum equivalency value ( percentage of full grant including all countable aid) of 25 pervent and a maximum limit of 27 counters ( number of baseball student-athletes receiving aid). In addition institutions would be limited to a maximum of 35 baseball student-athletes on their roster, regardless of their source of financial aid, which must be determined the day before the start of the season".
In addition " It should be noted that the committee that developed this financial aid model was composed of individuals representing baseball programs with widely varying financial aid funding levels and this group gave serious consideration to the implications for fully funded and non fully funded programs. Each institution will have to evaluate its own financial aid siutation and discuss ways to adhere to the legislation given their unique corcumstances and competitive goals".
Further clarification:
" the 25% may consist of athletics and other countable financial aid ( e.g. some types of institutional aid, some types of outside scholarships) and each student athlete's aid package would need to be reviewed carefully by institutional personnel charged with that responsibility. because baseball remains an equivalency sport under the new rules, many of the same recruiting and competitive challenges will exist that have been there in the past for those schools that have chosen not to provide full scholarship funding to their baseball programs. The only change is that coaches will be required to ensure that each student athlete receiving countable aid receives the committment from the institution of 25% of a scholarship."
I thank the NCAA for its prompt response and very defined explanation.
I hope this helps you all
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