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At tonight's game, Zach Neal's mom gave Jonathon LeGuen a framed picture signed by all the FMHS players. It was a class act jesture and a beautiful gift.

Many years ago several FMHS players and Marcus players all played together as 1 local select team called the Texas Marauders. When the time came for the players to go to HS these boys had to divide up between Marcus and FMHS. This was no easy divide as there is a major rivalery between the 2 schools (in all sports/activities) and we always hoped that with the split a bond/tie amongst these players and families would remain.

Now during this senior and final year of HS, and after the tragic hit that Jonathon took 2 weeks ago it is nice to know that even though we play for competing HS there is such a high level of respect, support and team spirit between the two schools and their players.

FMHS you were a class act tonight in this wonderful gift.

The LeGuen family thanks you.
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