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I too saw the game and it was a dominant pitching performance by Dylan Clark who I believe won Class L player of the Year....he had a no hitter broken up in the 7th on a line drive the CF misplayed(or at least that's what I think). Clark's stuff yesterday was extremely impressive...he kept each hitter off balance with his off speed pitches. PA kept it close for the first 4 innings but then Trinity pulled away. The astros had chances in the 3rd down 2-0 with the leadoff runner on with their 3 hitter up but chose to sac bunt, but Trinity got the force at 2nd..PA ended up not scoring that inning.

The story of the game was Dylan Clark;s outing yesterday. He was something to watch yesterday, he had a very good fastball along with his devastating curve that fooled many of the Astro hitters. I believe Trinity now plays Timberlane and with Garret Cole on the mound I find it very hard to believe that Timberlane will pull the upset.......but you never know
Last edited by ABC1234
goffstown-keene will be a great game i think. I know keene took care of them last time but goffstown will come ready to play. Londonderry will handle central rather easily as Central can't compete with top teams without Cole Warren on the mound. Alvirne-Concord could be a good game, but I have Alvirne coming out on top. I agree that Trinity's Garrett Cole should take care of business over Timberlane.
I feel that if Concord can pull a second round upset that brings them back to Poulin on Tuesday. With him on the mound they are a real threat, I am not sure who the number two is in Concord, I believe I heard Lisk was out for the year and Seigal was questionable. Still two number 2's going at it, I think Concord can pull the upset. I would also say Goffstown over Keene. Stingster is pitching for Timberlane and he can make that game very interesting but for Timberlane Garrett Cole is a solid a pitcher you can find. Not sure in that match up if I had to pick I am going Trinity. In the fourth game, although I think Kevin Veauix is solid pitcher, and I do remember last year's first round where he almost pitched Central to an upset victory as a Sophomore, still I am picking Londonderry.
Final 4...Yippee!! All desrve to be here.

Combined records 73-12.

Eliminate common games and the records are 67-6. Not too shabby. Of the 6 losses to non-final 4 teams, 2 are to Goffstown and 2 are to Nashua South...seeds 5&6. Add 1 each for Winnacunnet & Salem.

This year, unlike many past, the cream has risen to the top all year.

The Championship will be decided by execution, poise, maturity, good luck and throw in a bad bounce or two.

This will be good.

Good luck to each team. All are deserving and it is there for the taking.

So, who will take it? Nobody knows. You're full of bull if you think you do. lol.

A tip of the hat to Goffstown & N. South. Great job this year. Goffstown s/b tremendous next year. Also Kudos to all of the players who had outstanding seasons and were not fortunante enough to be on a deeper club.
Shipbulider easy there. And thanks granite State. And yes i believe we will be seeing clark. He pitched last time against us and struck out 15 so its going to be tough. Lelievere will be going for us he didnt play when we faced them in regular season becasue he got tossed the game before. But he is the teams number one, so it should be an interestinggame. Will you be attending?
I work up in Concord and will be heading down as soon as I can get out to watch both games. While Clark is flat out dominating, the Offense of Trinity is not overly threatening. If Alvirne can find a way to push across a run or two that may be enough to defeat the Pioneers. If you get a chance I will be wearing a GSBA polo along with other members of the GSBA feel free to stop an introduce yourself, we would like to give you some business cards to share with your teammates. We did not have one player from Alvirne in our first two years of the Showcase League and I would personally like to see that change. Again best of luck tomorrow.
i'm curious why you say portsmouth can move up? i know they can't just move baseball, without moving a certain number of other sports.

i will say it took us a few years to move down, with around 1050 kids it was the best thing that we've done. not because they won some games, the whole school/community has an athletic pride i haven't seen since the 70's.

i have to add, i'm glad my boy's played class L. Big Grin
"Hey, we all know Class L NH baseball is not that good anyway."

I don't know who these "we all" are but I disagree with them.

Didn't you say you had 'two horses in the race' for Trinity? I might be wrong but I'll assume that means you have two sons on the team. Which means they were on the same team with arguably the best pitcher in the state Garret Cole and the Class L player of the year Dylan Clark. So if Class L NH baseball is not that good, shouldn't they have gotten passed the semis? Seems to me that Class L NH must be very good if a team like Trinity with that many highly talented players didn't win.
I just assumed Will was being sarcastic. Of course all the points brought up are ugly- but true. Trinity is in DEEP trouble next year.
20dad: you may see it become very easy for teams to move up and down. The NHIAA is working to make sure that teams are in the correct divisions. Not sure if it will work, but that is something that looks like it will change this offseason. Portsmouth should be in L, but who knows if they want to move up. They know that they would not have won the amount of games that they have won in L the past years. They would have been a top 5 team, but never undefeated. Of course I think your point is something that shouldn't be dismissed either. There is something to be said for community pride (especially when things are tight in said community).
I, for one, will admit I would have loved to see what they would have done in L with the last two teams! Excellent teams!
Last edited by Ironwill

i was a diehard class L guy. i couldn't believe they even thought about dropping, regardless of our enrollment.

i was one of very few in town that felt this way. as i said, it was great for our community pride. that is imeasurable, even worth all the bs the baseball team gets.

i don't think anyone thought we'd have won 40 something in a row in any class. especially losing 2 top pitchers. but like baseball everywhere the talent runs in cycles, i think we are almost through our up cycle.

after goffstown won back to back class I titles there enrollment peaked and they moved up to L. didn't fair quite as well.

a agree if phs was in class L the last 2 yrs they would'nt have the same results. but i do believe they can play with the best of em. last years legion team went to the last game of the regionals, with mostly phs players. so who know's.

i;ve been on this website for a few years, this is the great to see so much nh baseball talk. ya gotta love it.
Yes. Some tongue in cheek there. Class L is obviously very good. It would be better if Portsmouth played in it this year. If you look at the records of the top 6, especially against each other, they were all very good and beat up on each other.

The last one standing and probably the deepest, most well-rounded team was Keene. You could see it coming for a few weeks prior to the playoffs. Teams with a few "stars" will always have trouble running the table in the playoffs a/k/a "tournament ball". That is when the flaws, weaknesses are exposed. The coaches know where they are and they have the talented players to do it. That's why I felt the winner would be Keene or Londonderry. Their semis matchup was really the big game. Winner take all. And that was the game of the year. Keene 2 to 1....Bases loaded, bottom 7, no outs, #s 2,3,4 coming to the plate. No other team but Keene could get out of that mess. The pitcher & catcher must be related to Houdini!! So......why play an exhibition against a tier 2 or 3 team??? What would happen?? My guess is Keene would win. If they played, Keene would probably IW Montville a few times and pitch around Fransoso, so the dream matchups would be boring.

Anywho, is Trinity in trouble next year? Yes. They were always in trouble this year due to depth, esp. on offense and fielding. They only have 1 player coming back who has pitched at all in Class L....and he did not throw 1 inning this year. Look for them to be about a 10-14 seed next year. Maybe worse. But that's what happens in a school of #440 students (and that includes Freshmen). They'll take their bumps and keep showing up. At least they will play against the best competition.

Query: How would Franlin fare against Central in a Warren vs. Sylvester matchup?

Q 2: How would Porstmouth fare vs. Goffstown at Goffstown?

These would prob be better games than having them play Londonderry or Keene.
Very detailed post Will O.
Keene and Londonderry were very similar teams and it was a great game.
About Trinity being down next year, it won't be just them. I believe that, with the exception of Londonderry, North, and Gofftown, you will see a big shake-up in the standings. We have talked about Trinity, Keene will always be "Keene" but just not as strong as they were this year, Alvirne will be young (both Keene and Alvirne lost 10+ players), South lost a lot of pitching with both Feehan and Decoutis gone and they will be young, and who knows about the rest.
I can see Timberlane and Spaulding being better this upcoming year but Class L in general will be down in comparision to 2009.
The next couple of years you'll see Nashua North compete for a title. Would not surprise me to see them finish in the top 4 during the regular season next year as they return McGowan and Morency to the hill for their senior years. They have some talented juniors and sophomores that will be pushing for playing time on varsity too. They will be strong for at least the next 4 years with the talent coming up through the system. Both their JV and freshmen teams had strong years the past two seasons. I do agree that South will slide some as they are losing some valuable seniors and that the talent is skewed more towards North with the last couple of incoming classes including the current crop of freshman coming in next year. South does have some decent pitchers from this past year's freshman class.
Last edited by redsox8191
Agree that N North, Goffstown, Londonderry & Keene will all be strong & in the hunt next year. Unsure of the rest but have to figure N South & Alvirne will make some noise......good coaching. I know BG is young so look for them to improve and at least get in the top half.

N North was young and raw this year. They could def. hit and lots of good young arms & players. They'll be good. I think I'll root for Goffstown because they are a fun & crazy group of kids (in a good way)....lots of energy & support and they are fun to watch. Similar to Keene in a lot of ways.

Here's to wishing for good health & development for the Juniors/Sophs. this summer, fall & winter and then another great season in '10.

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