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Every inning the opposing coach at 1B carried a small, very white, clipboard which he kep referring to. We had a LHP on the mound.

Once or twice he moved the clipboard noticeably just as our pitcher was pitching -- almost looked to me like he was trying to visually distract him.

Is there any rule that gives the umpire the authority to tell the coach he can't have the clipboard while in the coaches box?
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Under NFHS rules the base coach is permitted to have a few items in his possession. Those items are a stop watch, rule book, scorebook, Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) or comparable electronic score-recording device used for scorekeeping purposes only. (rule 3-3-1i)

A clip board isn't one of the permitted items but I have seen many times where the base coach has his scorebook on a clipboard for ease of writing and I have never heard anyone question it. However, if an opposing coach or player indicated to me that the clip board was distracting (and I can understand how a white one could be) I'd have the coach remove it.
Last edited by pilsner

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