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I'm just curious if anyone has heard anything about Clutch Performance Baseball and their "2 Day Clinic's?" Any experiences with this organization at all?

I did a search on this web-site and didn't find any results so I thought I'd ask. Here is a link to their site?!?

Father 2 Baller
Original Post

Clutch Performance Baseball Inc is a new company launching this summer. Our first clinic will be at Palm Beach Community College June 14 & 15th.

I am the Recruiting Coordinator at PBCC an have been in charge of camps for the past 2 seasons. The camps at PBCC have grown rapidly with the hiring of many top NCAA D1, D2, NAIA and Junior College coaches. Our camps in the past has had up to 20 instructors.

I was the Camp Director/Recruiting Coordinator at a NCAA D1 school in Nashville. Administrating and organizing camps/clinics is my thing. Along with recruiting.

My camp format is fast paced. It allows the kids to showcase all their talents. There is no standing around at my camp in the past. Every kid has left my camps satisfied and impressed. We plan to bring all the past experiences of camps with me here at Clutch Performance Baseball.

Take a look on the website. Feel free to contact any of the instructors on the list. Ask them what they know about my camps or my reputation.

I wish you the best of luck and hope to meet you at a clinic.

Go to and look around. I am very confident you will be impressed as well.

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