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I'm new to this business.  So I do not speak from any experience.    But my hunch would be just tell the coach the facts.  Tell 'em what showcases your son  will be playing in.   And, if the coach is coach at a school where your son wants to go, and that school is holding a prospect camp,  (which they all seem to do)   let the coach know your guy will be attending their camp.   


To steal one of justbaseball's oft-repeated lines, he should just tell the truth; letting the coach know that he's decided to spend the summer focusing on college visits and a few showcases. As he does so, he can pass along the specific showcases he plans on attending; so that the coach can know in advance where he can see him.


If he has a particular interest in the school represented by the coach making the inquiry, this is a great opportunity for him to express his interest; explaining the main reasons behind his interest.


Whether in his email reply or in the event that he speaks subsequently with this coach (or others, as well, for that matter), he should also be prepared to explain how he's making up for the developmental aspect that would normally be expected to come with playing on a summer team. It's to be expected that, if nothing else, coaches will want to make certain that he's not overlooking the constant need to improve.


Best of luck to him!

Thanks for the responses so far...


He has played for 2 years straight non-stop and even this past fall playing football and travel ball...He was QB on the football team on Friday nights took a beating and then would travel 5 to 6 hours even after the game or the next morning to play a baseball tourney. He didn't even rest during the Winter as he threw 3 to 4 days a week and was the starting forward on the basketball team. Well this school ball season he felt his arm was tired and was having some soreness after he pitched. We have had it checked out, 2 opinions, and its nothing....We just finished school ball and we discussed playing and decided to take time off till August...So 2 months off....He is a 6'4 lefty junior and has pitched a lot in 2 just thought a break was in order

Last edited by dolphindan1

Since your son was playing and throwing all year long, I will assume that he is pretty serious about playing college baseball. This summer might be the last time he gets to play real games in front of the colleges he's interested in. If you are confident that he would not be risking an injury, I would seriously consider playing at least a few high-profile tournaments this summer. The WWBA starts 7/4. A 17 year old can recover from a lot of aches and pains in 6 weeks. Even if he isn't at 100%, his physical presence alone (and left-handedness) will probably draw interest.

This is a tough spot and the realities of a dual and multil sport athletes.. The summer after Jr year is the prime recruiting time, and being out of sight out of mind will hurt. Prepster posted excellent advice. The fact his arm is sore gives me pause, as I would have initially said he should play. So stepping back he probably needs a break for a couple of weeks and then resume throwing first from flatground and working up to bullpens. I would ask some  questions: Which sport does he want to play in college?  What level caliber pitcher is he? What are his target schools? If he does not want to play baseball in college or the assessment is he could play at his target schools without playing summer ball do what you are planning and specifically target schools and showcases. If he wants to play baseball and he wants to attend a D1 program, I would think about contacting a local travel team that is attending PG Atlanta and asking if they need a LH pitcher. If he is a stud he should be known locally and the answer would be sure. Then rest now for a few weeks resume throwing and be ready for the tournament.In addition plan on a showcase\ camps as appropriate after Atlanta before he has to report to Football.

Good luck


Last edited by 2014 Dad

How does coach know him that's asking?

what is sons plan of action ? Does he want to play baseball in college?  Is he planning on continuing w three sports that  overlap?

There is a very small window really to be seen. Is someone finds themselves w an injury or sore arm for pitchers they may not get to attend showcases/tournaments as planned. 

imo should have sat out Fall a Ball last yr esp since he was football QB. Did football coach know he was pitching on weekends? 

Playing in Summer, esp well known tourn. Is more import than fall ball. 

Thanks everyone for the advice....I am not really sure how they knew my son or if it was a mailing list...but he has received 3 of those, several questionares, and a few personal invites to work out. He did play in a few big tourneys last summer and fall...He also has coaches calling the HS asking about him from what we have been told....for basketball too....he has worked hard to get his GPA to a 3.0 after struggling for awhile and got a decent SAT score so I think he has a shot to play somewhere...He plays for a very small private HS so I know he isn't getting seen there...I honestly don't know what level player he is. I know he goes and plays with kids from the bigger schools at the showcases and does we will see what happens

Originally Posted by dolphindan1:
Originally Posted by throw'n bb's:

A break is in order but it should not have been in the summer.  If he is attending showcases he is not taking off.  Play summer ball.

Well...when should he rest? and should he attend these showcases if he isn't 100%...maybe we will take a couple weeks off a see how he feels

You say he is a junior? Does that mean he is going into his junior year?  I don't think that taking some time off is inappropriate at all, for a pitcher, however I agree 100% summer is most important for baseball recruiting.

 The toughest thing for pitchers is preparing for one event, shutting down, then starting back up again, so in one sense, playing, perhaps as a reliever might be better health wise. he still has to throw and do pens to keep sharp so realistically is he really shutting down?

What he needs to do is decide at this time which direction he would like to go in, if baseball is what he wants to do to get to college, then perhaps one of the other sports needs to go.

Playing under the lights as a QB Friday night and then going off to pitch that weekend IMO could be a recipe for disaster. 

He must be very athletic to play 3 sports, so that should be communicated to the coaches.  Get a qualified evaluation asap.

Best of luck.


Originally Posted by LHPMom2012:

How hard does your son throw? That's the biggest factor on where he could end up after high school. Pitching in just a few showcases over the summer would not have worked for my son, just because he needs to be throwing and pitching regularly to maintain control and velocity. 

Honestly I have no idea how hard he throws...He has never been on a radar gun...He holds his own with every team he plays on is all I know...If I am guessing, and this is totally a guess, mid 80's maybe...I really dont know what others are throwing around him. I hear dads talk all the time my kid is throwing 92, but then the kid gets on the mound and is no harder than my kid...So I really dont know

Originally Posted by TPM:
Originally Posted by dolphindan1:
Originally Posted by throw'n bb's:

A break is in order but it should not have been in the summer.  If he is attending showcases he is not taking off.  Play summer ball.

Well...when should he rest? and should he attend these showcases if he isn't 100%...maybe we will take a couple weeks off a see how he feels

You say he is a junior? Does that mean he is going into his junior year?  I don't think that taking some time off is inappropriate at all, for a pitcher, however I agree 100% summer is most important for baseball recruiting.

 The toughest thing for pitchers is preparing for one event, shutting down, then starting back up again, so in one sense, playing, perhaps as a reliever might be better health wise. he still has to throw and do pens to keep sharp so realistically is he really shutting down?

What he needs to do is decide at this time which direction he would like to go in, if baseball is what he wants to do to get to college, then perhaps one of the other sports needs to go.

Playing under the lights as a QB Friday night and then going off to pitch that weekend IMO could be a recipe for disaster. 

He must be very athletic to play 3 sports, so that should be communicated to the coaches.  Get a qualified evaluation asap.

Best of luck.


Just finished his Junior year...I agree I pushed him hard not to do both last fall, didnt have a big issue with basketball because of the running...I am trying hard to talk him out of football this next season too...Its a small school and he gets alot of pressure to play from students, teachers, coaches....frustrating

Does he want to play baseball in college? Assuming he does, and assuming he needs to take a break, my advice would be to shut him down for June, start back up in July, definitely go to PG in Georgia in July. I'm not sure any of the other showcases are as important as PG. Does he know where he's interested in going to school? He should reach out to those coaches and attend their camps. Also needs to go to Jupiter in October. If your son is throwing mid 80s, he's not going to be able to play at the biggest baseball schools but should get plenty of interest from the mid-level D1s. But he needs to get healthy, he needs to be realistic about where he can play, and he needs to drive this boat. Good luck!

My son is also a pitcher and he shuts down from Mid Nov to early Jan.  He starts light throwing in Jan and builds up to high school tryouts in late Feb.  He plays HS in the spring and showcase in the summer and fall.  He is also a multi sport player but he wants to play baseball in college and that is and has always been his main concentration and puts it first.  He will be graduating soon and will be playing at a small D3 school.  Being what will soon be a rising senior he really needs to narrow his focus ... JMHO

Well my son went back to Dr today...Still not cleared to throw. He doesnt go back now till July 14th....I dont know what to do at this point. Dr says its nothing serious that requires surgery or anything. says it should heal up fine just taking some time. Said if it doesnt feel better by the 14th he wants to do an injection (PRT). I guess this summer is gone. Anyone know what the course of action will be now he he cant perform at all this summer?

Originally Posted by dolphindan1:

Well my son went back to Dr today...Still not cleared to throw. He doesnt go back now till July 14th....I dont know what to do at this point. Dr says its nothing serious that requires surgery or anything. says it should heal up fine just taking some time. Said if it doesnt feel better by the 14th he wants to do an injection (PRT). I guess this summer is gone. Anyone know what the course of action will be now he he cant perform at all this summer?

So what does the doc say it is?  Something missing... can't be nothing if he wants him not to throw for six weeks.  Is this a sports ortho doc who has some understanding of son's sports timelines?

We have a player who has a torn labrum.  Going to the right sports doc who understands an athlete's schedule has made a world of difference in getting timely follow-ups and surgery dates that give him a chance to return for beginning of his next season.  Had he gone thru the typical route of GP who tells him to let it rest first before he sees a specialist, etc., etc. he would have thrown away his remaining year of HS due to elapsed time prior to correct diagnosis and promptness of setting surgery date.  Not trying to scare you with the surgery thing but I am suggesting get to the right doc that will get to the bottom of the issue in a timely manner.

IMO problem was caused by going nonstop for two yrs-your words. The fact that he played QB and would pitch later that night or next day was crazy. I would get son healthy, skip fall ball and go to a few showcases/camps only of the schools he is interested in. If he shows well they will want to see him in game in Spring and he would be a late sign.  Many smaller schools are still looking for players then.

Make sure son has good mechanics by finding a good pitching coach for winter. Come back slowly.

still find it strange he just finished Jr yr, prob 17 and u don't know his velocity. We see guns all over the place in HS too esp by college coaches coming to watch someone.

Ok let me clarify. He has a shoulder impingement and tendonitis flare up that is not going away or going away slowly. He is going to an Orthopedic Specialist who is actually the Dr.for a local college. He wants him to start on a throwing program but doesn't want him to go full force till he completes it and see how he feels. He said if he is not feeling better in a month they will look at an injection to help speed recovery. Also he has had an MRI and it shows nothing.


Playball2011...I agree with the non-stop....Also 100% he has not been on a gun that I am aware of....except in 8th that time he was at 73. I am not sure how good the guys used Ebay gun that he just bought was....So I don't count it...He may have had a gun on him at some showcase tourneys but he doesn't know nor do I...his own pitching coach at a popular training facility here has never even put him on a gun.

From the progression of your posts, it sounds like your son has had shoulder symptoms for at least a few months, and even with rest(and I assume PT/anti-inflammatories) the symptoms are continuing.  What is not clear is whether your son is at complete rest or is in some type of throwing program through July 14. What seems clear is he is not progressing.

An MRI without contrast would not be the best tool. Do you know if the MRI was with or without contrast.  I am surprised by your comment the MRI showed "nothing."  If there is impingement, it should provide an explanation, i.e., where is the area producing the impingement.  If your son has both shoulder impingement and tendonitis, why? What clinical findings lead the doctor that direction as opposed to others? I can tell you from personal experience that impingement and bursitis can be diagnosed when the actual issue is labrum related. With a football player, and the type of incident which can impact the labrum, one has to wonder, at least I would if it were my son.

If your son is not better by July 14, I would not be letting any doctor put a needle into his shoulder without a second opinion from an orthopedist who specializes in shoulders and sports/baseball, such as Dr Andrews.  Get on the ASMI site and find your son an ortho in your region which they recommend. College team ortho sounds good but rings hollow to me, at least.  I learned that when an MLB team ortho misdiagnosed our son's shoulder as impingement and bursitis, treated it accordingly including the injections, which misdiagnosis cost him his baseball career.

I realize you are following the advice of the doctor and also hoping he is right so your son can be recruited.  Everyone on this site wants the best for your son and wants to help you help him get recruited.

From what you have posted, I think you need to make sure the diagnosis is correct. Your son needs another opinion with a contrast MRI done by an ASMI referenced doctor, especially  someone like Dr. Andrews himself. If the MRI was with contrast, your son needs a second opinion and a second review of the MRI and you need to get a copy yourself and make sure it shows "nothing." It has to be with contrast, though.

Good luck with getting a better understanding on whether impingement and tendonitis is the correct diagnosis and if so, why it is not improving with rest and hopefully PT and anti-inflammatories.

Last edited by infielddad

I appreciate all the feedback...I have a couple questions...As I mentioned earlier my son is going through PT...We hope he is able to go in July. He has gotten a couple emails from coaches asking him to come visit and maybe throw and hit...How should he respond to these emails? He should'nt ignore them should he? Does he disclose the PT and his shoulder? How should we proceed? I understand getting him healthy is priority 1. Also these emails are coming from coaches that he has sent in recruiting forms to schools he is interested in attending. My advice and his AD's, surprised he actually listened...LOL

Originally Posted by dolphindan1:

Can anyone guide me on how to help my son with these emails and letters he is getting...Got a baseball packet from a school that had a letter and a baseball program and some other info....asking him to come visit and work out....What do we do?

The truth as to what is happening with your son always works.

I am still not understanding what exacting is going on with your sons shoulder?

Any conclusions?

I did respond that honesty is the best policy.
The reality of it is that your son is hurt and until he is good to go they wont be interested. You were given advice a month ago to get his lingering shoulder issue taken care of asap when you finally admitted he was hurt.
Right now I would be concerned with him getting better.  This is a good time to discuss whats really important to pursue whether it be  football,  basketball or baseball.

ok thanks TPM...He went to the DR in early June...Dr wanted him to start a throwing program...He did 2 days and said he was still a bit sore....I got him in for an MRI...earliest they could do is has not been month yet...I am moving as fast as I can with it....


I will get him to respond to these emails and be upfront about it

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