I've taken over has head coach for our 13u team, at least for fall ball and possibly next year as well. Our previous coach had a lineup written in stone and the kids all played the same spots in the field every game. So of course, I've totally mixed it up.
I have 5 fast kids, 5 slow kids, and a couple average kids. And of course the slow kids are the best hitters. I've been trying different lineups, mixing the fast kids with the slow ones throughout the lineup, I did another lineup with all the fast kids at the top, then yet another lineup with 2 fast kids, 1 slow kid, 2 fast kids, 1 slow kid,...etc. I'm just trying to find the best combo and though our previous coach had his favorite kids/parents and batted them high in the order, I'm not doing that. So there's a lot of grumbling from the stands and from my 5 or 6 assistant coaches (i.e. dads hanging around or in the dugout).
I've also been moving kids around in the field as I explained in another thread in the General Items section.
So, my question is, should I explain my theories/plans with the parents on the team? I don't want to put it to a vote of course, since I'm doing what I think is best. But what obligation do I have to clue in the parents (even when many of them won't understand or even hear what I'm saying)??
Thanks for any advice.
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