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I thought this was interesting how the coaches are keeping up with kids.

TALLAHASSEE -- Florida State was courting highly touted receiver Fred Rouse at a local bowling alley last year on his official recruiting visit when his cell phone came to life.

How you doing Fred? read the text message

He fished out his cell phone, perused the query, then began texting back.

"Who's that?" his hosts, among them a group of FSU coaches, wanted to know.

"Oh, Coach Shula," Rouse said.

Alabama's Mike Shula was the only coach savvy enough last year to appeal to Rouse via a text message -- a mode more typically reserved for Rouse's friends at Tallahassee Lincoln.

"That impressed me a lot," Rouse said a year later, although it didn't impress him enough to lure him away from his hometown for college. "I'm like, 'This is the only coach who ever thought about that.' All the other ones were like, 'Answer your phone, answer your phone.' "

Recruiting article
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It’s interesting to read what happens when a coach is trying to get the attention or make and impression with a highly touted recruit. The coaches are beginning to adjust their approach to make their communications effort more effective with the younger recruits. Now let’s reverse the situation and apply it to a baseball player trying to get the attention of a baseball coach. After reading the article do you think this suggest, or is a testimony, that a player should rely more on the “electronic” methods of communications?
At my son's HS you lose your cell phone if it rings during class. During the recruiting period right before early signing, he felt it vibrating repeatedly in his pocket and checked between classes. He actually received a great offer, in percentage form, on a text message from the school he eventually chose. A little distracting in the middle of Calculus class! He couldn't call the coach till after school, so the coach began to text message my son's HS baseball coach's cell. Unfortunately, the HS coach also coaches girls golf and was on the golf course at the state tournament that day. They expect quiet on the golf course, so he turned his phone off.
In the end, son had 4 text messages and coach had 7 on that day alone from ONE SCHOOL!
Coaches are using text messages to get around the once a week contact rule. Some are over using it. Fortunately, our kids are a lot more comfortable with technology than we are! Unfortunately, we don't have unlimited text messages and it cost us a dime every time they sent a text message.
From the article:

"The NCAA considered restricting the messages in the same way that phone calls are after the women's basketball coaches' association suggested that they were becoming too intrusive -- both for the athletes and the coaches who feel compelled to respond to a message, even at 2 a.m.

The proposal was defeated in April, though, and texting is still classified as general correspondence."

Some phone plans allow you to pre-pay for text messaging. We had to adjust ours. Jr. was up to 3,000 a month at one point. Eek
We were on an official visit this fall and my son was text messaged by 2 other colleges. The timing was right as we were reviewing their offer. We later laughed about the room being bugged.

Really, it is a generational thing. I would much rather speak it. My son will send an IM or text long before he would ever pick up the phone. With his hectic schedule, sometimes it is the only way to communicate with him. I even have resulted to learning how to text. It takes me a half-hour to type a sentence. Oh the price of progress!
I think texting must be just beginning with recruiting coaches. My '05 never received any text messages.

Home Builder, I can relate to your story though. When we were visiting a school that fall, my phone rings when I was in the ladies restroom from son's number one choice at that time! First of all, they never called me - always son's phone. I actually felt like I'd been caught cheating or something, not to mention I was in the restroomand didn't know if I should answer the phone or what. Thankfully, common sense prevailed and I didn't answer the phone to the sound of people flushing toilets, but did have son call them back before we went into our meeting. We still laugh about that one.
We didn't see it during our son’s recruitment either. Homebuilder, I agree this is a generational thing but probably not standard operating procedure with the more mature coach. IM is a way of life with most young student/athletes and anytime a coach can get through these barriers, it enhances his position with that recruit. This is just a savvy coach changing colors during the ”courting” period that will soon change. Men have done this for years. During courting and wooing, men historically will adjust their way of life to impress the one they’re courting. .... it’s a male thing .... After the papers are signed they quickly get back into their comfort zone. I remember my son calling me the fall of his freshman year of college telling me how the head coach had changed. Big Grin

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