This is where Clemson's Jack Leggett coaching tree started. Leggett played for John Winkin. In fact, in the snowbanks of northern Maine one year the infield was comprised of Leggett, Brian Butterfield, coach for the Red Sox and and Ed Flaherty, three time D3 NCAA champion coach of Southern Maine and father of Ryan Flaherty of the Orioles. Winkin was an interesting man. I talked with him a few times when I played college summer ball. In fact the the mentioned above were my teammates one summer. Winkin wrote his masters thesis on the kinesiology of the double play.
He was such a baseball perfectionist he would approach anyone and tell them how they could improve even if it wasn't one of his players. I met him after I crushed a game winning double off the center field fence. He grabbed me to tell me what was wrong with my swing. My first reaction was, "Is this guy crazy?" after all the Winkin stories I had heard from teammates. I didn't think he was crazy by the time we got done talking.