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My son was a red shirt freshman this past season when in early March he tweaked something in his lower back during batting practice. At first, he thought it was a muscle strain, however after a few weeks of resting it and having it worked on by the trainer it never fully recovered. He tried to come back from his injury a couple of times but reaggravates it when preforming any type of twisting motion. He had to forgo his summer ball season due to his injury. Since he's returned home for the summer he has seen a doctor for x-rays, MRI, and has a CT scan scheduled for this week. Needless to say the medical bills are piling up. My question is, does the school have any responsibility for these bills that I'm trying to pay, or am I on the hook for the whole thing?

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Most likely it's on you and him. Most schools require you to carry health insurance anyway and they may provide a secondary plan. But in large part, their policies will only pay if it was approved by the athletic department staff prior to services rendered.


You can try to call the athletic training staff, but I'm going to guess that it will be on you...

Going through this now with my son, but the injury occurred during the season and the training staff was involved right away. He needed a surgeon, but fortunately the university has a fine one affiliated with them, who we used. My insurance is primary, and the school's is secondary for what mine doesn't cover. In theory, I am told, we should not have to pay anything out of pocket.


I would agree with Bulldog and say you should contact the training staff and get approval from them, so things go smoothly.


Best of luck to your son!

When I was in college and running track back in the late 80s the athletes primary insurance was charged and the schools acted as secondary.  Back then we were not required to carry insurance but its now my understanding that they are making this a requirement now a days.  Check with the Athletic trainer at the school.  They should be able to provide some guidance for you.

My suggestion is to contact the Athletic Dept or Trainers.  They most likely have a contact and a process surrounding this issue.  My son had a recent injury .  The school covered the cost when they sent him to their Doctors in town.  When we sent him to our Drs.,  we needed to provide EOB and bills to get reimbursed.  In that case, our primary insurance was used and third party insurance through the University covered the difference.  It has not been an expedient process to get reimbursed.

At my D3 school, provided the injury happened while an athlete and during competition/related to competition, they will pay anything that my primary doesn't cover.  I could choose my doctor, do it close to home, etc. so long as my primary covered some of it. Working with trainer is paramount.  I had a very expensive surgery 700 miles away from the school and haven't paid a dime.


The school has also covered the difference for a few bumps and bruises along the way, including a sinus infection and scratched cornea suffered while on road trips with the team.

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