I've only actually been to a dozen games in the past two years. We don't live really far from ODU but I cannot make every weekend series. I am planning on making many more games this year though. Perhaps it's mostly my fault I've not met some of the parents, but that's the intraverted way I am. I like to watch the games from the stands. When Kenny was in HS I used to hide out in the scorers box. I don't know, I just like to be alone with my thoughts of the game, during the game.
Thanks for the compliment about Kenny. He does seem to be having fun out there this year. I think it's probably going to be one of his best years. He's having fun now and usually that translates into great stats for him. For some reason he's always felt really on edge while JM was there.
Well, as I said I do plan on being there more this year. I cannot make every weekend series, but think I can make most of them this year.
Hope to meet you soon. I will be up in the stands though. Never on the fence line. And Kenny will not let me drink beer at his games. Just not a good idea.
The Armyofone callsign is a play on the actual Armyofone saying. I am retired Army. Armyofone is not a statement that one is alone. It means that I am an Army onto myself. A warrior, that embodies all the characteristics necessary to accomplish any mission. I bleed the warrior ethos. I am an ARMY OF ONE.
Hope to meet you soon.
Take care,