Okay, I'm going to broach a topic that some of you will frown upon, but here goes anyway. Report cards came out this past week and while some of my son's friends and teammates fall into the coveted straight-A's-able-to-go-anywhere-they-choose group, the vast majority are either A/B or B/C students. The A/B kids will eventually graduate with a 3.something and the B/C students will graduate with a 2.something. These kids are all headed into either their jr or sr years so even straight A's from here on out will only marginally shift their GPA's. I know that will upset some of you, but that's the reality of their situations and I suspect it effects lots of other kids - not just the ones in NH. We have other forums within HSBBW to discuss grades and how to improve them and how to work hard to be able to show college admin folks a positive trend, etc. That's not what this discussion concerns.
I've noticed a number of posters here who appear to have given up hope on getting into a decent school and that's a bad thing. Anytime a young person looses hope the future becomes ugly and uncertain. Rather than continuing to berate kids who may be past the point of being able to attend the top D1's and the nation's best academic institutions, how about providing some specific direction (as in: "WVU requires a 2.0 GPA", rather than "look at JUCO's 'cause that's all that will be available"). If your son had a GPA of less than 3.5, would you please let our young posters know where he went to school? Please don't give the whole story of where he could have gone if he'd done better - just the reality of where he went. As I said, we adults, and the players on the site, know where excellent academics would get them. Let's give them some options to let them know their average student type GPA is not the end of the world. Thanks.
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