naïve question, but how does academic money factor in. My daughter very good grades, below avg sat, act got offered 12-20k in money at almost every out of state school she applied to and in state private schools. Can the coaches expect that type of help for out of state prospects? What I have noticed is that the neighboring states to Texas, and most of the SEC seem to offer Texas kids decent money especially the kids just outside the top 7%-10% cutoff to get into Texas and Texas A&M.
Where you see this the most is with private schools with big endowments. Take for example Stanford - any kid coming from a home with under $125K household income will pay zero tuition. Getting into Stanford is another issue, though. That's a huge starting point. Now, add in a 25% scholarship based on COA and your well on your way to what is effectively a full ride. The same goes for the Vandys and Notre Dames of the world. It's a huge recruiting advantage for those schools.