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Thought we would spread some good news and let people know who is going where next year....
At Colleyville

Steven DeLeo - Grayson
Scott Lawson - Grayson
Alex Aycoth - Redlines Community College

Also for the first time ever in the history of Colleyville Heritage, there is a freshman on the team...Steven Hill, going to probably be the starting catcher this year for Colleyville and can also pitch and throws in the low 80's range...He is going to be a big help to the team this year and will deffinitly be a player to watch in the future.
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Thats great to hear! All three of those boys are great players and great kids as well! My son has also had a chance to play with and against all three. I no that Keller has a couple big timers, Monk, Big JOhn, but who else in the district has any offers? If you know any one from Ryan, Carroll, or Grapevine, please enlighten us!!

Scotty Doesnt know!!
Last edited by Open Eyes
Jeff T isnt going anywhere just yet, i caught wind that he turned down Two offers already for unknown reasons. Matt Bauer and Zak Presley are both going to Mclennan together. Chase Reid, who is a junior, has many colleges looking at him already as well. Austin Coan, a pitcher in there Rotation has a couple Junior Colleges as well, but no word on where he is going. I dont no about grapevine though, or Ryan.

PS If you no me, dont call me to tell me stuff, just post it. Smile

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