@nycdad posted:This is from the perspective of a low level D1 team this season. The team is grad heavy (most not transfers but let their existing players play out their covid years).
Sophs: There are several sophs that didn't get much time freshman year that are playing this year. Mostly pitchers, and a catcher. We have other sophs that played freshman year that are still playing and are everyday players.
Fresh: Our leadoff batter is a freshman. (I guess when you have a 6.27 60 that happens). Also a few fresh pitchers have appeared so far. We are 7 games in.
I'm sure things will change before conference play.
As others have said it really depends on team and circumstances.
14 games in. Still have a freshman in CF. There are 3 other freshman position players. One (a catcher) has gotten an AB.