I'm curious about pitchers who were starters in HS and become relievers as college freshmen - pitching frequency, etc. (I'm just asking about this for my own education on the topic, as my son has not asked for advice and seems to trust that his college coach will make good decisions about how and when to use him and his teammates.)
My son is a college freshman RHP who was a starter in HS, but this year all of his appearances have been in relief, from a partial inning to 3 innings. He had a pretty bumpy adjustment time in the pre-season and first few weeks of the season, but his coach kept giving him opportunities - yay!

Now he seems to be settling in and showing signs that he might make a pretty good contribution as a reliever this year. So I'm just curious about the topic of college relievers in general, and what kind of frequencies you have observed.
P.S. Although this has been a tough adjustment, my son sees one advantage - he gets into games more often than if he was a starter.