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I know that this website has a lot of good info on the recruiting page about the recruiting process. Just wanted to add my 2 cents.

I am a current high school athletic director who coached college football and baseball for 9 years. Click on the link below to view a checklist I use for high school athletes who are interested in playing college sports. I want to make sure I give credit where it is due--the original checklist was created by Bob Howdeshell and is located on the recruiting section of this website. I modified the list and added some things to the checklist for use at my school. So I want to make sure that Mr. Howdeshell gets credit for his creation, and I hope he doesn't mind me sharing my modified version.

If you want to get recruited, you've got to promote yourself so that coaches know who you are. Don't depend on your high school coach or a recruiting service to get the job done. Though there are some reliable recruiting services out there, please research those services thoroughly so that you aren't wasting money. I know when I coached, most of the time we threw those recruit information sheets from the recruiting services right into the trash can! There are a lot of things you can do yourself to get recruited.....
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