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They could have gotten his name many different ways, the most important thing is they DID.  To me it says that they have some interest and are checking to see what kind of student he his.  If he matches up well with their program, maybe they will proceed further. In short,  it is a good thing....hope it pans out.  Please keep us updated and good luck.


This creates a great opportunity for your son to drop the recruiting coordinator or Head Coach a note, thanking him for their expression of interest in the form of the transcript request and informing them of his interest in the program and school (assuming that he is, in fact, interested in them).


If he does so, he should also give them an indication of where and when they can see and evaluate him. They already know where his high school is; but, do they also know which summer team team he intends to play for and/or which showcase(s) he's likely to attend? If it's too early to know at this point, he can follow up later this season; once his plans are more definite.


Like all mating rituals, recruiting calls for two-way communication between the two mutually-interested parties. Your son's been given an open door to engage in that.


Best of luck to him!

Originally Posted by Junior OF:

My sons guidance counselor handed him a transcript request form from a college that we have not been in touch with.  How did they get his name and HS?  What does it mean?  Its a big D1 school and do they send out alot of them?



So this is definately  baseball related not academic? My son has been getting a lot of academic info,  and they got his name they say from ACT. 

Originally Posted by playball2011:
Originally Posted by Junior OF:

My sons guidance counselor handed him a transcript request form from a college that we have not been in touch with.  How did they get his name and HS?  What does it mean?  Its a big D1 school and do they send out alot of them?



So this is definately  baseball related not academic? My son has been getting a lot of academic info,  and they got his name they say from ACT. 

It's baseball related. Paperwork had many baseball related questions. The head coach's name was on the paperwork

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