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Very little cost for Alaska, I am not sure if all teams in the ABL work this way but son's team covered his flights to/from Texas to Alaska, provided a host family that fed him, provided numerous uniforms/shirts/jacket/pullovers, covered hotel costs, provided a gym for workouts, provided transportation to/from both home and away games. He did eat out a fair amount but didn't really need to. I believe there were per diems for food for away games as well.

Son spent more money on the fishing licenses than anything else. Wink

Definitely the best experience of his college career so far and the best of the three summer leagues he has played in.
Last edited by cheapseats
I don't know about those leagues but I think teams run things differently, even within the same league. My son played on two different teams in the same league (ACBL) the past two years. One was totally free including uniforms, bats, buses and meals between doubleheaders. The other team charged $500, no buses to away games, no meals or anything else.
Coastal Plain League varies a bit by team, but, our experience was excellent. My son spent 3 years there with the same host family.

There was no cost to play, bats and uniforms provided. He needed his glove, cleats and sliders.

Meals were provided at the field after each game by the team, including a per diem on road trips. Overnight trips included Hotel accommodations

His expenses included gas for his car to get around, and money for breakfast and lunch.

It was a great experience!
Last edited by floridafan
My son played in the Valley league this summer and he had a great host family, actually three families that took care of him with little expense except gas and incidental expenses. There was a gym to work out in, a bus for away games and food after every game. Uniforms and workout clothes provided as well as bats etc. Beautiful area of the country with Civil War history covering every inch of the Shenandoah valley. Plenty of places to fish also. Very nice laid back people but good crowds who followed the team from Woodstock religiously.
I've never seen a question like this one. Has your son been offered in all these leagues? If so, he is one of the best players in America. Otherwise, if he has been offered in the Cape, then the decision has been made - no matter what the cost. I am guessing if you can afford to have Internet access and post here you can figure out a way to send your son to the Cape.

Otherwise, my son played in both the Valley and the Coastal Plains and both are outstanding leagues for different reasons. The Valley League has some of the nicest and kindest people you would ever want to entrust your son to. The Coastal Plains is run a little more like minor league baseball but I am glad my son played in both leagues. The Valley League has better weather imho - not as hot and humid although both leagues can be quite warm. I saw more D3 players in the Valley League and more D2 players in the Coastal Plains. The Valley League is a good place for D1, D2, and D3 freshman players to break in.
Son played in Cape Cod league this summer. Costs each player $700. Get $250 back for travel at end of season. Team meals after all home games. Each team has bus for travel. Normal issue of gear and bats, at year end son got 8 new Louisville sluggers. Pro day at Fenway about mid season.

Host family was single mom. She didnt cook much, owned a business. Gave the three players cc and said buy what you want. Players helped around house during day and night when they could. Cooked for family and themselves. Good relationship, players all chipped in to buy her new gas grill to say thank you when they left.

Son said it was best experience he ever had .., made a lot of good friends and fan support was great..some games over 4,000 fans. He didnt want to come home.
Last edited by nhmonty
Originally posted by Eric G:
ClevelandDad, thanks for the insight. Of course he has not been offered any of these, I was just inquiring.

Eric - if your son gets an offer in any of the leagues you've inquired, it will be a good thing. Imho, if he could get an offer in the Great Lakes League, that would be the best as then, you will get to see him play. I am sure it will work itself out!
I dont know where he is choosing and if I had to guess the coaches have an idea where they want to place them (Freshmen). He called last night in a dilemna as his Summer team's organization is putting together a "Collegiate" team to possible play in the Great Lakes League and he was torn to play with them or being placed on another team in that league. Told him we would support him no matter what he chose.
Many...MANY, years ago, the most fun I had in baseball was playing in the Cape. I was too young, maturity wise, to be there(playing after my freshman yr in JUCO) and did not realize what an opportunity I had. But the experience was one of the best I ever had. They rolled out the red carpet for the players. All expenses paid, host family, got you a was awesome. I would imagine any of the if your son was able to go to any of those summer leagues he will love it and never forget it, even if you have to pay a little.
Last edited by lefthookdad
My son's coach did the same thing a couple of weeks ago...told them to give them their top three choices. I said he should have chosen Alaska, just because I wanted an excuse to go to Alaska.

Absolutely my favorite place I've ever been in the world.

My sons have played in Alaska and the Cape. Both were great experiences. Both leagues seemed to me to be different team-by-team in terms of costs, living arrangements, summer jobs, how the team is run, etc...

I wouldn't turn either of those down.
My son played this summer in the NECBL, great league, high level of ball. No cost. Food and transportation to away games provided. 90% of the players were D1 and 2's. Stayed with host family on a lake, boat the whole nine yards, living the dream.

The SS on his team signed a contract with the SF Gaints as a undrafted free agent as well.

Great experence for the all the players involved.

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