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We talk a lot about lists here on this site. Top 25, Top 100, Top players, etc. It is always interesting to listen to the debates for or against any particular list. Labels are assigned to teams or players and everyone has an opinion.

I'll probably catch heck for it, but I'm going to go ahead and say that any player that makes it to any of the 280 Division I, 207 Division II, 360 Division III and way too many to count (If someone knows, please share) Juco, or Community college teams, then I hope the player and the parents are extremely proud of this achievement whether they appear on a list here or anywhere else. You have made it to the next level - good for you.

This is a high school website, and although it is fun and educational to learn about draftees out of high school and professional experiences, sometimes It seems like we lose sight of the majority of people reading here. Please don't feel any less proud of your accomplishments if the team you found, or , the team that found you is not on some list. You get to keep playing - wherever you land!

Good luck to all that have landed, and also to those just getting started (and everyone in-between)Smile
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Good thoughts in your post and I agree, no matter where you go to play, you've made it to the next level and this is the purpose of the HSBBW.

I don't think that anyone has lost site of that purpose.

When I first came here no one really talked much about proball, most were just concentrating on getting to HS varsity then college ball.

What's amazing to me is what has happened here. So many of the people looking for advice for college recruiting years ago are now giving advice regarding the next step in players lives, proball.

That means one of two things, we have incredibly talented kids (which we do Smile) or many have just really done their homework and used this site for it's intended purpose which is to play ball beyond high school,whether after HS or college.
An excellent thread!

I'm so excited for the parents whose sons have made it to the most visible spots in the next level (top college programs) and the next level after that (pros). Personally I just love reading their stories of what it's like for their sons, and also enjoy following their sons on the Web or on TV.

But I sometimes worry that new members or visitors will be intimidated when reading about that level of success, and even be afraid to post their questions. Parents and players, this site is for you! Whether you found this site because your son is getting calls from pro scouts about this year's MLB draft, or you are wondering what your 12-year-old has to do to make his HS team in a few years...this site is for you!

Last edited by MN-Mom
Originally posted by iheartbb:
This is a high school website, and although it is fun and educational to learn about draftees out of high school and professional experiences, sometimes It seems like we lose sight of the majority of people reading here. Please don't feel any less proud of your accomplishments if the team you found, or , the team that found you is not on some list. You get to keep playing - wherever you land!
I'll bet there are people who view this site, decide it's only for elite players and move on rather than learning or asking questions. Even if a kid is not looking to play college ball there's a lot of information to make a better high school player in the instructional sections.
Originally posted by iheartbb:
Yep, so right fanogame. Gosh, who wants to do the numbers on the High School teams.....
My son and I did the numbers a couple of weeks ago. Given typically four or five from each high school class will start at some point in high school, that's 2% of the kids he started with in 7/8 year old coach pitch.
Whether you found this site because your son is getting calls from pro scouts about this year's MLB draft, or you are wondering what your 12-year-old has to do to make his HS team in a few years...this site is for you!

Or even more worthwhile questions...

"Whaddya' think Jason...Do you like CapriSun©? Fruit Punch or Strawberry Kiwi?"

"Whoa...Tiffany! Whaddya' decide? Juicy Juice© ok? Apple or Orange Tangerine?"

"Hey Lenny...put me down for Mott's© on the Apple...none of that Juicy Juice© Apple for me!"

I know, I know...this can all be so stressful and confusing. How about we take a look and listen to what the experts have to say on the matter?

Well guys?:

Last edited by gotwood4sale
while the kids in the picture are discussing their juice selection, their dads are on this site raving about their recent radar gun readings. (my kid is second from the right. very projectible don't you think? he's holding his arm because he just finished an 8 inning 15K gem. hopefully he won't have to go back for another tommy john surgery.)
Last edited by igball

Knowing that your son is still young and already racking up those Tommy Johns I'd like to offer you a helpful tip igball.

As your son and his team guzzle down carton after carton of CapriSun© juice boxes don't throw out the carton! There are valuable Proof of Purchase on each carton that you can save and then redeem for a heavily discounted Tommy John surgery. That will come in handy...soon I'm sure!

Check on the backside of the carton for the Proof of Purchase and the surgery details. It's a great deal and is even offered to Canadian players!

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Originally posted by MN-Mom:
An excellent thread!

I'm so excited for the parents whose sons have made it to the most visible spots in the next level (top college programs) and the next level after that (pros). Personally I just love reading their stories of what it's like for their sons, and also enjoy following their sons on the Web or on TV.

But I sometimes worry that new members or visitors will be intimidated when reading about that level of success, and even be afraid to post their questions. Parents and players, this site is for you! Whether you found this site because your son is getting calls from pro scouts about this year's MLB draft, or you are wondering what your 12-year-old has to do to make his HS team in a few years...this site is for you!

Hey MN-Mom do you think you could, or be a good idea, to put this or something else very similar to this on the home page?

I think what you just put would make a great mission statement for this website and be great if it's one of the first things a newbie sees.

This website got started with humble beginnings and has evolved into a place where all levels of baseball can talk and interact. The reason for this is awesome members and great moderators.

Maybe even have a forum just for newbies to go to and talk to get their feet wet - just a thought.

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