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I got a ton of email invites to camps and showcases when my son was in high school, based on email lists I assume from PG or PBR, it mostly stopped when he graduated HS.  Today I got an email about "The Collegiate League of the Palm Beaches," I assume from the same kind of email list.  I'm not interested in this league, but I thought that summer league assignments were made by college coaches, so I'm curious whether advertising to parents is some kind of red flag?

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i would be suspect and support your skepticism about the email.

Our son’s D3, and many other high level programs, work diligently to place players in Summer Leagues. Over the years, I have posted many times that this is a topic players and parents should discuss during recruiting.

Our son’s program, even though a D3, placed players in the Cape, Northwoods, Valley, NECBL, Alaska, Coastal Plain, etc. It was was as much about baseball as having exposure to and experiencing new parts of the US.

While new leagues pop up nearly every Summer, I think you are quite right to be suspect of one seeking players through email!

The league has been around for a while. I’d guess it is made up of players who aren’t placed in those other leagues but want a place to play for the summer. I know a couple of the coaches/managers and they are really good guys. Can’t really say anything about the host family programs.

IMO, it doesn’t have the same feel you’d get in other summer leagues. Palm Beach is a pretty big metro area. I suspect the email is part of a marketing attempt to attract some better players.

My son is a 2022 (committed to D1 mid-major) & is playing in that league.. I think as a Fall 2022 Freshman it's probably not a bad choice for many, and the Cressey training piece - for him - is a big win.  He went to Cressey FL in Thanksgiving last Fall & then again at Christmas & the in-person evaluation/training & the program he was then given is beyond anything he's had access to thus far..

He looks forward to playing in the league !  Will be hot as all blazes, but so is Summer most anywhere south of the Mason-Dixon Line.. 🥵

Future college coaches seemed good with it as well... Don't really get the impression they are actively placing/promoting their players into Summer leagues until after they are in Fall of their Freshman year - and then of course that's for the following Summer..    

Also spoke to people locally (in FL) about it & they too were overall positive.   Definitely not the Cape Cod league - lol - but for my '22 who hasn't even started college yet, the reps & quality personalized physical training @ Cressey seemed like a good situation.   We shall see!

Last edited by YachtRocker

I got a ton of email invites to camps and showcases when my son was in high school, based on email lists I assume from PG or PBR, it mostly stopped when he graduated HS.  Today I got an email about "The Collegiate League of the Palm Beaches," I assume from the same kind of email list.  I'm not interested in this league, but I thought that summer league assignments were made by college coaches, so I'm curious whether advertising to parents is some kind of red flag?

I get that same email repeatedly FWIW

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