I was once the president of a 1,000+ player Pony League. I am a big Pony baseball fan.
But I don't like the direction it has taken. From community-based ball to now just another venue for travel ball. I know the coach of the CA team well...good guy. I know some of the players...good players. But they are a 'Northern CA' team (not to be confused with NorCal...different organization)...but this group, when not playing for Colt trophies, they are pure and simple a travel/tournament team.
They are not breaking any rules, so there is no reason to root against them. All good people.
But there are plenty of venues for these types of teams and the rules shoulda left them in those venues. I really wish they woulda left the rules alone and let the towns and cities put forth players from their town/city...like it used to be.
When Santa Clara (CA) won it about 10 years ago with Jared Lansford and others, they were all Santa Clara kids. When Santa Clara won it again 3 or 4 years ago, they were a South Bay Area team. Now we have a Northern CA team. Just not the way I wish it were.